
The Great Blue Heron: A Reflection of the Health of Our Waters
June 26, 2014
The Great Blue Heron: A Reflection of the Health of Our Waters

The Great Blue Heron: A Reflection of the Health of Our Waters

Great Blue Heron Stalks Its Prey by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Either sitting on the porch of our lakefront camp on Moose Pond in the Sebago Lakes Region or from our kayaks, we have the joy of watching wildlife up close and personal. Just this morning, the […]
December 22, 2013
Lower Springy Pond and Floods Pond, Otis, Maine: Deep, Clear and Cold Water Fisheries

Lower Springy Pond and Floods Pond, Otis, Maine: Deep, Clear and Cold Water Fisheries

Pisgah Brook Bluff overlooking Floods Pond in Otis, Maine Lower Springy Pond in Clifton and Otis, Maine, and Flood’s Pond in Otis are crystal clear bodies of water created by retreating glaciers. Lakefront property owners love having the best of both worlds–lakeside living with the Atlantic […]
October 17, 2013
Pleasant Lake, Stetson, Maine: A Well-Kept Secret for Lakefront Property Owners

Pleasant Lake, Stetson, Maine: A Well-Kept Secret for Lakefront Property Owners

Another Beautiful Day on Pleasant Lake in Stetson, Maine Lakefront property owners on Pleasant (Stetson) Lake in Stetson, Maine, value the fact that they own property in a place that is a well-kept secret. For them, peace and tranquility rule the day when they spend time […]
August 11, 2013
Lakefront Property Owners Frequent Thompson Lake Marina, Casco, Maine

Lakefront Property Owners Frequent Thompson Lake Marina, Casco, Maine

Inviting Water of Thompson Lake in Casco, Maine Thompson Lake Marina in Casco, Maine, is the only full-service marina on the lake. It’s location in a sheltered cove at the southern end of the lake makes it a perfect place for lakefront property owners to dock […]
April 26, 2012
Salmon Lake, Belgrade & Oakland, Maine: Experience Rose-colored Sunsets

Salmon Lake, Belgrade & Oakland, Maine: Experience Rose-colored Sunsets

Relax on Salmon Lake in the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Salmon Lake (aka Ellis Pond) is located in the central Maine villages of Belgrade and Oakland. Retreat to your cabin or camp in the Belgrade Lakes Region for peace and quiet in a spectacular natural […]
November 20, 2011
Peaceful Haven found on Rock Haven Lake, Mirror Lake and Shapleigh Pond in Newfield, Maine

Peaceful Haven found on Rock Haven Lake, Mirror Lake and Shapleigh Pond in Newfield, Maine

Find your piece of heaven on Mirror Lake in Newfield, Maine Let your next family getaway be on one of the these three ponds in Newfield, Maine: Rock Haven Lake, Mirror Lake and Shapleigh Pond. You’ll find your little piece of heaven at your waterfront vacation […]
September 8, 2011
Ten Hot Fishing Spots Await Lakefront Buyers in the Belgrade, Winthrop and Sebago Lakes Regions of Maine

Ten Hot Fishing Spots Await Lakefront Buyers in the Belgrade, Winthrop and Sebago Lakes Regions of Maine

Sunset reflection on Lake Annabessacook in Wayne Thriving populations of fish are right at your lakefront doorstep in the Belgrade, Winthrop and Sebago Lakes Regions of Maine. The clear lakes and ponds provide quality fisheries. Landlocked Salmon and Lake Trout are present in many. Also, one […]
June 9, 2011
Top Five Maine State Parks are Forever Wild

Top Five Maine State Parks are Forever Wild

Enjoy a spectacular sunset over Sebago Lake in Maine Within a days drive of any lakefront property in Maine are state parks worth exploring for their scenery, cultural and historical significance and natural resources. Forty-nine state parks dot the landscape of Maine, including several located in […]
May 21, 2010
Let China Lake be Your Four-Season Lakefront Destination

Let China Lake be Your Four-Season Lakefront Destination

Sunset on China Lake in China and Vassalboro, Maine Think about owning a piece of waterfront real estate on China Lake in China and Vassalboro for your Maine vacation. You won’t regret your decision. Lakefront Properties For Sale on China Lake View Vacation Rentals on China […]