Nasson Community Center

December 28, 2011

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 29- Jan. 4

Lobster Dip, Old Orchard Beach Dec. 29-31, Thursday-Friday, 10am-4:30pm/Thursday and Friday, 10am-1pm/Saturday, “Barry:  The Art Exhibition,” impressions of a World Traveler, paintings, sculpture and pen-and-ink drawings by Edith Cleaves Barry, Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk.  FMI:  207-985-4802, Dec. 29-31, Thursday-Friday, “Second Annual Holiday Art Show,” paintings, […]
July 21, 2011

Locally Produced Agricultural Products at Farmers’ Markets in the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine

Inviting crystal, clear water on Kennebunk Pond in Lyman, Maine There are so many fun things to do in the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine from spending time on the lake, to visiting York Animal Kingdom, watching a performance at Hackmatack Theatre, listening to a […]