Belgrade Lakes Region

Maine outdoor organizations set to celebrate Great Maine Outdoor Weekend
September 18, 2015
Maine outdoor organizations set to celebrate Great Maine Outdoor Weekend

Maine outdoor organizations set to celebrate Great Maine Outdoor Weekend

Monmouth a la Mode begins at Maranacook Boat Launch in Winthrop, Maine   Maine outdoor organizations set to celebrate Great Maine Outdoor Weekend by Leigh Macmillen Hayes   Twice a year the Maine Outdoor Coalition sponsors The Great Maine Outdoor Weekend. The fall event will occur […]
September 16, 2015

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 17-23

“Farmington Fair,” Farmington Sept. 17-20, Thursday-Sunday, 7:30pm/Thurs.-Sat, 1pm/Sat. & Sun, “Ruddigore, or The Witch’s Curse,” many years ago, the Baronets of Ruddigore were cursed by a witch and must commit a crime a day or be tortured to death. To escape this dreadful fate, the latest […]
September 10, 2015

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 10-16

“Dearly Departed,” at Lakewood Theater, Madison Sept. 10-13, Thursday-Sunday, gates open: 3pm/Thurs, 8am/Fri-Sun, “Clinton Lions Agricultural Fair,” family oriented agricultural fair with animal and mechanical pulling, outstanding midway, exhibit halls, stage entertainment and woodsmen contest, $5, $14/carload, free/under 12, Clinton Fairgrounds, Route 100, Clinton. FMI: 426-9008, […]
September 3, 2015

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Sept 3-9

“Dearly Departed,” Lakewood Theater, Madison Sept. 3-6 and 9, Thursday-Sunday and Wednesday, 2pm/Wed, 4pm/Sun, 8pm/Thurs-Sat, “Dearly Departed,” in the Baptist backwoods of the Bible belt, the beleaguered Turpin family proves that living and dying in the South are seldom tidy and always hilarious. Despite their earnest […]
August 21, 2015
Raised Ranch for sale on Splendid Sebec Lake, Bowerbank, Maine

Raised Ranch for sale on Splendid Sebec Lake, Bowerbank, Maine

Step out the door and right down to Sebec Lake in Bowerbank, Maine   Cruise around Sebec Lake in Bowerbank, Maine, and then dock your boat in time to watch the sunset and relax over drinks—at home. This raised ranch located at 79 Bear Point Road […]
August 18, 2015

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 20-26

“Skowhegan State Fair,” Skowhegan Aug. 20-22, Thursday-Saturday, all-day events, “Skowhegan State Fair,” a large agricultural fair featuring a huge midway, animal exhibits, crafts, commercial exhibits, flower show, animal pull events and harness racing, Skowhegan Fairgrounds, 33 Constitution Ave, Skowhegan. FMI: 207-474-2947, Aug. 20, Thursday, 1pm, […]
August 12, 2015

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 13-19

“The Luiz Caracol Trio,” Unity College Center for the Performing Arts, Unity Aug. 13, Thursday, 1pm, “The Turn of the Screw,” a young governess is left to care for two recently orphaned children in a lonely English manor. She begins to see the specters of the […]
August 5, 2015

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 6-12

“Skowhegan Riverfest,” Downtown Skowhegan Aug. 6-9, Thursday-Sunday, various times, “River Fest,” a multi-day event that celebrates recreation and life on the Kennebec River. River fest 2015 includes the Classic Car Cruise In and the Lions Club Chicken BBQ on Tuesday, Aug 4, Pub Crawl on Wednesday, […]
July 29, 2015

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine July 30-Aug.5

“Damn Yankees,” Lakewood Theater, Madison July 30-Aug. 2, Thursday-Sunday, 9am/gates open, “Monmouth Fair,” a small family agricultural fair with midway, animal exhibits, crafts and animal pull events, “a little fair with a lotta pull!” $5/adults, $2/12-18, free/under 12, Monmouth Fairgrounds, 79 Academy Road, Monmouth. FMI: 207-933-4082, […]