vacation rental

Watershed Resources for Maine Lakefront Property Owners
October 23, 2014
Watershed Resources for Maine Lakefront Property Owners

Watershed Resources for Maine Lakefront Property Owners

Great East Lake in Acton is Maine’s Golden Pond Knowing where to turn for information is vital when it comes to protecting our lakefront properties in Maine. First, of course, should be your local lake or road association.   Lakefront Properties For Sale on Great East, […]
October 2, 2014

On the Maine Lakefront Property Owner’s Bookshelf: Our Kezar

Kezar Lake, Lovell, Maine, Truly a Beauty by Leigh Macmillen Hayes The cover shot of the coffee table book, Our Kezar, is one of photographer Kelly Rickards’ favorites. “This is what Kezar Lake is,” she says. “It really captures the lake . . . We’re very […]
September 21, 2014

Lakefront Property Owners Enjoy Hikes In and Around China, Maine

photo credit: Enjoy Sunsets Like This Near China Lake in Maine Located between Augusta and the coast, with China Lake and other ponds dotting the landscape, plus the Kennebec and Sheepscot Rivers, the China Lakes Region is a delightful setting for short and easy hikes. […]
June 26, 2014
The Great Blue Heron: A Reflection of the Health of Our Waters

The Great Blue Heron: A Reflection of the Health of Our Waters

Great Blue Heron Stalks Its Prey by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Either sitting on the porch of our lakefront camp on Moose Pond in the Sebago Lakes Region or from our kayaks, we have the joy of watching wildlife up close and personal. Just this morning, the […]
March 2, 2014
Rep. Mike McClellan Addresses “Milfoil Sticker Bill” at 15th Annual Milfoil Summit

Rep. Mike McClellan Addresses “Milfoil Sticker Bill” at 15th Annual Milfoil Summit

Azure Sky and Water at Pleasant Lake in Casco, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes A large crowd of Maine lake association members and others interested in protecting our lakes, ponds and rivers from invasive aquatic plant species gathered on February 28 for the 15th Annual Milfoil […]
February 16, 2014
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Benefits of Lake Protection

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Benefits of Lake Protection

Boaters Delight on Long Lake, Harrison, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes In Maine, many communities, such as Harrison, were built around lakes or millponds. Harrison is nestled between Long Lake and Crystal Lake in the Sebago Lakes Region. Consequently, the visual quality of Harrison, like other […]
February 9, 2014
Lakefront Property Nature Lovers Enjoy Hikes In and Around Fayette, Maine

Lakefront Property Nature Lovers Enjoy Hikes In and Around Fayette, Maine

Echo Lake Shimmers in Autumn Sunlight, Fayette, Maine Nestled in the foothills of the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine is the small town of Fayette. With no town center, it truly is a place where you can take time to slow down and smell the wildflowers […]
January 26, 2014
Lakefront Property Owners Enjoy Hikes In and Around Livermore, Maine

Lakefront Property Owners Enjoy Hikes In and Around Livermore, Maine

Rolling Hills Surround Brettun’s Pond in Livermore, Maine Lakefront property owners enjoy life on Bear Pond and Brettun’s Pond in the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine. Rolling hills surround the rural communities of Livermore, Livermore Falls, Leeds, Turner and Buckfield. Historic mill sites are an important […]
January 23, 2014
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Encouraged to Contact Legislators About Bill to Control Invasive Plant Infestations

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Encouraged to Contact Legislators About Bill to Control Invasive Plant Infestations

Summer Sunset Shimmers on Sebago Lake in Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Maine lakefront property owners should know that a bill is now before the legislature that would finally provide some significant funding for those working to control invasive aquatic plant infestations. LD 1626 was presented […]