lakefront property owners

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Appreciate Songo River Success Story
September 4, 2015
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Appreciate Songo River Success Story

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Appreciate Songo River Success Story

Lakes Environmental Association Nearly Eradicates Milfoil from the Songo River in Casco, Maine text and photos by Leigh Macmillen HayesThe year was 2004 and the Songo River that connects Sebago Lake to Brandy Pond and Long Lake was so infested with the aquatic invasive variable-leaf milfoil […]
August 17, 2014
Maine Lake Water Quality Testing Points to Fixes to Limit Phosphorus Increase

Maine Lake Water Quality Testing Points to Fixes to Limit Phosphorus Increase

An Intern for Lakes Environmental Association in Bridgton tests water for Gloeotrichia by Leigh Macmillen HayesLast year the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) hired a researcher to test fifteen lakes in the Sebago Lakes Region of western Maine for Gloeotrichia, “Gloeo” for short, a species of blue-green […]
March 2, 2014
Rep. Mike McClellan Addresses “Milfoil Sticker Bill” at 15th Annual Milfoil Summit

Rep. Mike McClellan Addresses “Milfoil Sticker Bill” at 15th Annual Milfoil Summit

Azure Sky and Water at Pleasant Lake in Casco, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes A large crowd of Maine lake association members and others interested in protecting our lakes, ponds and rivers from invasive aquatic plant species gathered on February 28 for the 15th Annual Milfoil […]
February 27, 2014
Lincoln, Maine Town Square Centered Around Mattanawcook Pond

Lincoln, Maine Town Square Centered Around Mattanawcook Pond

Seaplane taking off over Mattanawcook Pond in Lincoln, Maine Lincoln, Maine is situated beside Mattanawcook Pond, literally. The town square is centered around the pond’s western end. In fact, right there on Lake Street is Prince Thomas Park, home to a lakeside gazebo where concerts are […]
February 16, 2014
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Benefits of Lake Protection

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Benefits of Lake Protection

Boaters Delight on Long Lake, Harrison, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes In Maine, many communities, such as Harrison, were built around lakes or millponds. Harrison is nestled between Long Lake and Crystal Lake in the Sebago Lakes Region. Consequently, the visual quality of Harrison, like other […]
January 30, 2014
Lakefront Property Owners Pay Attention to the Pressure on Water

Lakefront Property Owners Pay Attention to the Pressure on Water

Inviting Blue Water of Lovewell Pond, Fryeburg, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Maine lakefront property owners choose to purchase property here because of the natural beauty of this state. Water is the reason for much of this beauty. Nickie Sekera of Common Water Justice, a growing […]
January 23, 2014
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Encouraged to Contact Legislators About Bill to Control Invasive Plant Infestations

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Encouraged to Contact Legislators About Bill to Control Invasive Plant Infestations

Summer Sunset Shimmers on Sebago Lake in Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Maine lakefront property owners should know that a bill is now before the legislature that would finally provide some significant funding for those working to control invasive aquatic plant infestations. LD 1626 was presented […]
December 19, 2013
Lakefront Property Owners Enjoy Hikes In and Around Lewiston/Auburn, Maine

Lakefront Property Owners Enjoy Hikes In and Around Lewiston/Auburn, Maine

Striking Summer Sunsets on Taylor Pond in Auburn, Maine Maine’s Twin Cities of Lewiston/Auburn offer lakefront property owners a diverse network of hiking trails. Some are city-side with skyline views, others follow the Androscoggin River and one even passes through a peat bog in the heart […]
December 12, 2013
Hopkins Pond, Clifton & Mariaville, Maine: A Gem of a Pond for Lakefront Property Owners

Hopkins Pond, Clifton & Mariaville, Maine: A Gem of a Pond for Lakefront Property Owners

Cliffs and Mountains Surround Hopkins Pond in the Downeast Lakes Region of Maine The crystal clear water of Hopkins Pond in Clifton and Mariaville, Maine, is a diamond in the minds of lakefront property owners. Envision a calm body of water surrounded by a mixed forest. […]