lakefront properties for sale

Chemo Pond, Parks Pond and Lower Springy Pond, Clifton, Maine: Three Quiet Lakefront Real Estate Gems
October 27, 2013
Chemo Pond, Parks Pond and Lower Springy Pond, Clifton, Maine: Three Quiet Lakefront Real Estate Gems

Chemo Pond, Parks Pond and Lower Springy Pond, Clifton, Maine: Three Quiet Lakefront Real Estate Gems

Sunrise on Chemo Pond, Clifton, Maine Chemo Pond, Parks Pond and Lower Springy Pond in Clifton, Maine, offer lakefront property owners a gateway to the Maine Highlands. Located about fifteen minutes from Bangor, you’ll find peace and quiet on any of these waterbodies. And yet, all […]
October 3, 2013
Lakes Environmental Association, Bridgton, Maine, Proposes Lake Science Center

Lakes Environmental Association, Bridgton, Maine, Proposes Lake Science Center

Reflecting Waters of Panther Pond, Raymond, Maine Lakes Environmental Association envisions a Lake Science Center to bring water quality research to the forefront. Lakefront Properties For Sale on Panther Pond View Vacation Rentals on Panther Pond In the 70s, the Maine Legislature made a dramatic commitment […]
September 29, 2013

Lakefront Property Owners Enjoy Hikes In and Around Fryeburg, Maine

Mountain Views from Kezar Pond, Fryeburg, Maine Fryeburg, Maine, is a perfect destination for lakefront property owners to find hikes of varying difficulty and scenic views. Walk along Main Street and the surrounding roads and enjoy the historic buildings and homes, as well as Fryeburg Academy. […]
September 26, 2013

Fryeburg Fair, Fryeburg, Maine: A Family Affair For Lakefront Property Owners

Autumn Hues on the Mountains Surrounding Lovewell Pond, Fryeburg, Maine It’s Fair Time! Fryeburg Fair time, that is. And lakefront property owners in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine know that this Blue Ribbon Classic only happens eight days a year. Lakefront Properties For Sale on […]
September 22, 2013
Lakefront Property Owners Flock to Tenth Annual Maine Lakes Brew Fest on Sebago Lake, Casco, Maine

Lakefront Property Owners Flock to Tenth Annual Maine Lakes Brew Fest on Sebago Lake, Casco, Maine

Point Sebago Resort Hosts Maine Lakes Brew Fest, Casco, Maine The tenth annual Maine Lakes Brew Fest is scheduled for September 28, 2013, from 11am-4pm on the beach at Point Sebago Resort in Casco. The Greater Bridgton Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce hosts this brew festival […]
September 15, 2013

Lakefront Owners Enjoy Hiking Trails In and Around Waterville, Maine

Messalonskee Lake in the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Only a stone’s throw from Messalonskee Lake in the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine are the hiking trails of Waterville. Many of them offer views of Messalonskee Stream and getaways from the busyness of life. Waterville is […]
September 12, 2013

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Ponder the Question: Lake or Pond?

Fair Winds on the upper basin of Moose Pond, Bridgton, Maine Lakefront property owners often ask the age-old question, “What’s the difference between a lake and a pond?” The Maine DEP attempts to answer the question this way: “About half of the 6,000 lakes and ponds […]
September 8, 2013

Lakefront Property Owners Should Check with Town CEO Before Cutting or Pruning Trees

Sunrise over Long Lake, Naples, Maine On any given summer day from the porch of your Maine lakefront property, you hear the cry of a loon, watch the dragonflies hover over the water and enjoy the view as the kids swim. Well, you enjoy the bit […]
September 1, 2013

Milfoil Success Story on Songo River in Sebago Lakes Region of Maine

“Milfoil Area” buoy on Songo River near Sebago Lake, Casco, Maine Many lakefront property owners in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine travel from Long Lake, through Brandy Pond, down the Songo River to Sebago Lake throughout the summer season. Several years ago, thick stands of […]