Camp Modin

Maine Summer Camps with a Jewish Twist
June 1, 2014
Maine Summer Camps with a Jewish Twist

Maine Summer Camps with a Jewish Twist

Crystal Clear Water on Crescent Lake in Raymond, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Nancy Silverman Levinsky, a Maine native who spent four summers at day camps and twelve summers at overnight camps, opened an exhibit in 2012 about the history of Jewish Summer Camps at the […]
June 15, 2012
Maine Jewish Summer Camp Exhibit in Portland, Maine

Maine Jewish Summer Camp Exhibit in Portland, Maine

Camp Modin sits on Salmon Lake in the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Since 1922 sleep-away camps have provided a waterfront haven for Jewish children in the Maine Lakes and Mountains regions. Lakefront Properties For Sale on Salmon Lake View Vacation Rentals on Salmon Lake Remember […]
April 26, 2012
Salmon Lake, Belgrade & Oakland, Maine: Experience Rose-colored Sunsets

Salmon Lake, Belgrade & Oakland, Maine: Experience Rose-colored Sunsets

Relax on Salmon Lake in the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Salmon Lake (aka Ellis Pond) is located in the central Maine villages of Belgrade and Oakland. Retreat to your cabin or camp in the Belgrade Lakes Region for peace and quiet in a spectacular natural […]