Sanford Lakes Region

July 27, 2016

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine July 28-Aug.3

“Saco Main Street’s 7th Annual Car Show,” Saco July 28-31 and Aug. 2 and 3, 8pm/Thurs, Fri, Tues. and Wed, 2:30pm/Thurs. and Wed, 8:30pm/Sat, 2pm/Sun, “Hunchback of Notre Dame,” this brand-new musical production is an epic and emotionally charged retelling of the famous Victor Hugo love […]
July 22, 2016

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine July 22-27

“Unexpected Guest,” Saco River Theatre, Bar Mills July 22-23, Friday-Saturday, 7:30pm, “The Unexpected Guest,” set in a foggy estate in Wales, this quintessential mystery thriller opens when a stranger, after running his car into a ditch, walks into the house looking for help. Instead, he finds […]
July 12, 2016

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine July 14-20

“Hunchback of Notre Dame,” Ogunquit Playhouse, Ogunquit July 14-17 and 19-20, Thursday-Sunday and Tuesday-Wednesday, 2pm/Sun, 2:30pm/Thurs. and Wed, 3pm/Sat, 8pm/Thurs, Fri, Tues. and Wed, 8:30pm/Sat, “Hunchback of Notre Dame,” this brand-new musical production is an epic and emotionally charged retelling of the famous Victor Hugo love […]
July 7, 2016

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine July 7-13

“Granite State Carriage Association,” Willowbrook Village, Newfield July 7-9, Thursday-Saturday, 2:30pm/Thurs, 8pm/Thurs. and Fri, 3pm and 8:30pm/Sat, “Anything Goes,” All aboard for this splendid and saucy musical comedy! Anything Goes is the winner of three 2011 Tony Awards including Best Musical Revival and considered one of […]
June 29, 2016

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine June 30-July 6

“Fancy Dress Bash,” Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk July 30-July 3 and July 5-6, Thursday-Sunday and Tuesday and Wednesday, “Anything Goes,” All aboard for this splendid and saucy musical comedy! Anything Goes is the winner of three 2011 Tony Awards including Best Musical Revival and considered one […]
June 23, 2016

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine June 23-29

“16th Annual Wells Antiques Show and Sale,” Laudholm Farm, Wells June 23-28 and 29, Thursday-Sunday and Tuesday-Wednesday, 12-4pm/Tues, Wed and Thurs, 12-8pm/Fri, 10am-4pm/Sat, 12-4pm/Sun, “Arts, Artifacts and Anecdotes: 150 Years of Collecting,” Established in 1866 as the York Institute, the Saco Museum is celebrating its 150th […]
June 16, 2016

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine June 16-22

“22nd Annual Chamber Music Festival,” Dunaway Center, Ogunquit June 16-18, Thursday-Saturday, 2:30pm/Thurs, 8pm/Thurs. and Fri, 2pm/Sat, 8:30pm/Sat, “Anything Goes,” All aboard for this splendid and saucy musical comedy! Anything Goes is the winner of three 2011 Tony Awards including Best Musical Revival and considered one of […]
June 9, 2016

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine June 9-15

“Anything Goes,” Ogunquit Playhouse, Ogunquit June 9-11, Thursday-Saturday, 6pm, “The Glow Show: Super Heroes,” original script by a student of the Nasson Youth Theatre Program. Directed by all students. Light, sounds, special effects, makeup, costumes…the kids do it all, $10, Main Stage Theatre, 457 Main Street, […]
May 19, 2016

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine May 19-25

\ “Murder at the Howard Johnson’s,” City Theater, Biddeford May 20, Friday, 7:30pm, “Poet on a String,” the electrifying story of James Agee (poet and writer of the African Queen) as vies for attentions of Delmore Schwartz’s (poet and author of In Dreams Begin Responsibilities) society […]