Rangeley Lakes Region

Gull Pond, Rangeley, Maine: At Lakefront Property Become One With Nature
October 11, 2012
Gull Pond, Rangeley, Maine: At Lakefront Property Become One With Nature

Gull Pond, Rangeley, Maine: At Lakefront Property Become One With Nature

Sunset over Gull Pond in Dallas Plantation near Rangeley, Maine Gull Pond in Dallas Plantation near Rangeley, Maine, is a lovely alternative to a big lake. They say that good things come in small packages and that’s certainly the case with Gull Pond. Lakefront Properties For […]
October 7, 2012
Flagstaff Lake, Eustis, Maine: Lakefront Property with Local Lore

Flagstaff Lake, Eustis, Maine: Lakefront Property with Local Lore

Flagstaff Lake and Bigelow Mountians and Preserve, Eustis, Maine Flagstaff Lake in Eustis and Stratton, Maine, is the fourth largest lake in the state. Encompassing 17,380 acres, the lake has an interesting history and stunning views of the surrounding mountains that waterfront property owners love. Lakefront […]
September 30, 2012
Haley Pond, Rangeley, Maine: Experience the Slower Pace at the Lakefront

Haley Pond, Rangeley, Maine: Experience the Slower Pace at the Lakefront

Sunset on Haley Pond in the Rangeley Lakes Region of Maine Rangeley in western Maine is dominated by lakes and ponds, including Haley Pond in the village center. Situated northeast of Route 4 and Rangeley Lake, the 165-acre Haley Pond is quiet and wooded, yet minutes […]
September 21, 2012
Beaver Mountain Lake, near Rangeley, Maine: Experience Wilderness on Lakefront

Beaver Mountain Lake, near Rangeley, Maine: Experience Wilderness on Lakefront

Autumn on Beaver Mountain Lake in Sandy River Plantation, Maine Spectacular mountain views delight lakefront property owners from any spot on Beaver Mountain Lake in Sandy River Plantation, Maine. Located five miles from Rangeley, the lake is also known as Long Pond. Lakefront Properties For Sale […]
September 16, 2012
Wilson Pond, Wilton, Maine: Retreat to Quiet Lakefront

Wilson Pond, Wilton, Maine: Retreat to Quiet Lakefront

Wilson P0nd in Charming Wilton, Maine Wilson Pond in Wilton, Maine, is a quiet and lovely location for lakefront property owners. The lake is located in the charming downtown, where in 1876 George Henry Bass founded G. H. Bass & Company. Bass shoes were manufactured here […]
September 9, 2012
Ellis Pond, Roxbury, Maine: Gentle Mountain Breezes Caress Lakefront Property

Ellis Pond, Roxbury, Maine: Gentle Mountain Breezes Caress Lakefront Property

Mountain Backdrop at Ellis Pond in Rangeley Lakes Region of Maine Ellis Pond in Roxbury, Maine provides lakefront property owners a picturesque backdrop. The pond covers 919 acres and has also been known as Silver Lake, Roxbury Pond and Big Ellis Pond. Lakefront Properties For Sale […]
September 2, 2012
Mooselookmeguntic and Cupsuptic Lake in Rangeley, Maine: Every Day is A Gift For Lakefront Property Owners

Mooselookmeguntic and Cupsuptic Lake in Rangeley, Maine: Every Day is A Gift For Lakefront Property Owners

Sunset over Mooselookmeguntic Lake in the Rangeley Lakes Region of Maine Mooselookmeguntic and Cupsuptic Lake in Rangeley, Maine are actually two bodies of water originally separated by a short, narrow river. They were joined when the water level of Mooselookmeguntic was raised fourteen feet after the […]
August 26, 2012
Rangeley Lake, Rangeley, Maine: Lakefront Getaways Feature Natural Entertainment

Rangeley Lake, Rangeley, Maine: Lakefront Getaways Feature Natural Entertainment

Natural Entertainment Surrounds Rangeley Lake, Rangeley, Maine Rangeley Lake in Rangeley, Maine, with its pristine mountain environment, crystal clear water, and clean fresh air, is a premier lakefront vacation destination. This lake in the Western Maine Lakes and Mountains Region offers spectacular scenery and abundant wildlife […]
March 2, 2012
Maine Milfoil Summit Examines Sustainability of Programs

Maine Milfoil Summit Examines Sustainability of Programs

Milfoil in the Songo River, Naples, Maine Sustainability was the theme of the 13th Annual Milfoil Summit held at the Lewiston/Auburn Campus of the University of Southern Maine. Peter Lowell, executive director of the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA), commented that it’s time to look at what […]