Moose Pond

Leaf Disposal At Your Maine Lakefront Property
November 6, 2015
Leaf Disposal At Your Maine Lakefront Property

Leaf Disposal At Your Maine Lakefront Property

Leafy Buffer Zone Beside Moose Pond in Bridgton, Maine   Leaf Disposal At Your Maine Lakefront Property by Leigh Macmillen Hayes   The quality of our Maine lakes is directly dependent on the level of nutrients in the water, specifically phosphorus and nitrogen. Nutrients make their […]
March 6, 2015

Lakefront Shingled Bungalow With Views For Sale On Moose Pond, Denmark, Maine

Open-concept Bungalow in Private Setting on Moose Pond, Denmark, Maine Make this year-round shingled bungalow on Moose Pond in Denmark, Maine, your get-away lakefront destination. Located at 5 Heron Circle, the house is move-in ready. View This Listingon Moose Pond5 Heron CircleDenmark, Maine The living is […]
February 15, 2015
Little Ossipee Lake, Waterboro, and Moose Pond, Bridgton: Trophy Fishing in Maine Lakes

Little Ossipee Lake, Waterboro, and Moose Pond, Bridgton: Trophy Fishing in Maine Lakes

Trophy Fishing Awaits When You Own Lakefront Property On Little Ossipee Lake, Waterboro, Maine Fish, like trout and salmon, need the oxygen in the deeper, cooler water  of Maine’s lakes and ponds in order to survive. Too much algae growing in the warmer surface water may […]
December 25, 2014

Antique Heirloom Canoes Lovingly Refurbished in Maine

Sandy Bottom of Sands Pond, Denmark, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Do you have an old canoe that has fallen into disrepair sitting off to the side of your Maine lakefront cabin? Daniel Eaton of smallboat shop on Hio Ridge in Denmark, Maine, is a craftsperson […]
October 26, 2014

Luxurious Condo Steps From Moose Pond and Shawnee Peak in Bridgton, Maine

Maintenance Free Luxurious Townhouse Living on Moose Pond, Bridgton, Maine Luxurious lakefront living can be yours at this condominium on Moose Pond in Bridgton, Maine. Located at 26 Millers Way in Moose Pond Village, the lakeside retreat is just steps from the water as well as […]
September 28, 2014

What Lakefront Property Owners Should Know About Fluctuating Water Levels

Autumn Colors Frame Moose Pond Dam, Denmark, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes You may have noticed that the water level at your lake tends to rise and fall over the course of the year. Natural fluctuations may occur if there is less rain, less snow runoff, […]
August 17, 2014
Maine Lake Water Quality Testing Points to Fixes to Limit Phosphorus Increase

Maine Lake Water Quality Testing Points to Fixes to Limit Phosphorus Increase

An Intern for Lakes Environmental Association in Bridgton tests water for Gloeotrichia by Leigh Macmillen HayesLast year the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) hired a researcher to test fifteen lakes in the Sebago Lakes Region of western Maine for Gloeotrichia, “Gloeo” for short, a species of blue-green […]
July 17, 2014

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Prevent Invasive Aquatic Plants With Eyes on the Water

Kezar Lake, Lovell, Maine — A Special Place by Leigh Macmillen Hayes “Milfoil ↑! Property Value$$$ ↓” So proclaims the sign for lakefront property owners to notice on the roads surrounding Moose Pond in Bridgton, Maine. Fortunately, there are no invasive aquatic plants in Moose Pond […]
June 26, 2014
The Great Blue Heron: A Reflection of the Health of Our Waters

The Great Blue Heron: A Reflection of the Health of Our Waters

Great Blue Heron Stalks Its Prey by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Either sitting on the porch of our lakefront camp on Moose Pond in the Sebago Lakes Region or from our kayaks, we have the joy of watching wildlife up close and personal. Just this morning, the […]