Maine camp

Maine Lakefront Fixer-Uppers Worth the Price
June 27, 2013
Maine Lakefront Fixer-Uppers Worth the Price

Maine Lakefront Fixer-Uppers Worth the Price

Inviting waters of crystal clear Lake St. George in Liberty, Maine Looking for a lakefront fixer-upper? Look no more. We have several on the market that may entice you. Some people run when they see a fixer-upper, but others welcome the chance to channel their inner […]
May 18, 2009
The Maine Lakefront Camp Idyll – Tranquility as Vacation Destination

The Maine Lakefront Camp Idyll – Tranquility as Vacation Destination

Allow me to go back a bit – before iPods and laptops, HDTV and MTV, all wheel drive and triple-bladed razors,  and ATMs and IRAs – to a time when families watched Walt Disney on Sunday nights, girls always put their hair up in curlers at night and […]
January 28, 2008

The Simple Pleasures – and Features – of the Classic Maine Lakefront Camp

Installment #2 The Death of the Pine Interior The era of pine interiors ended in the early 70’s. The Masonite Company developed a new miracle product called sheet paneling. The sheet paneling was only ¼” thick, light, and easy to install. The sheet paneling was not […]