
The Great Blue Heron: A Reflection of the Health of Our Waters
June 26, 2014
The Great Blue Heron: A Reflection of the Health of Our Waters

The Great Blue Heron: A Reflection of the Health of Our Waters

Great Blue Heron Stalks Its Prey by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Either sitting on the porch of our lakefront camp on Moose Pond in the Sebago Lakes Region or from our kayaks, we have the joy of watching wildlife up close and personal. Just this morning, the […]
October 13, 2013

Kezar Lake Marina, Lovell, Maine: Accessible to Lakefront Property Owners By Lake or Land

Kezar Lake Marina and the Loon’s Nest Restaurant, Lovell, Maine Kezar Lake Marina is located on Kezar Lake in Lovell, Maine. Lakefront property owners appreciate its easy accessibility by lake or by land at the Narrows on West Lovell Road. The lake is divided into sections […]
July 21, 2011
Locally Produced Agricultural Products at Farmers’ Markets in the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine

Locally Produced Agricultural Products at Farmers’ Markets in the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine

Inviting crystal, clear water on Kennebunk Pond in Lyman, Maine There are so many fun things to do in the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine from spending time on the lake, to visiting York Animal Kingdom, watching a performance at Hackmatack Theatre, listening to a […]
June 9, 2011
Top Five Maine State Parks are Forever Wild

Top Five Maine State Parks are Forever Wild

Enjoy a spectacular sunset over Sebago Lake in Maine Within a days drive of any lakefront property in Maine are state parks worth exploring for their scenery, cultural and historical significance and natural resources. Forty-nine state parks dot the landscape of Maine, including several located in […]
April 27, 2009
Sebago Lake State Park Welcomes Vacationers to Lakes Region

Sebago Lake State Park Welcomes Vacationers to Lakes Region

Sebago Lake State Park is a popular state park in Maine that is well-known for camping, boating, swimming, and recreation. Located in the town of Naples at the north end of mighty Sebago Lake, the state park was founded in 1938 as one of the five […]