Sebago Lakes Region

Brandy Pond in Naples, Maine, Offers Lakefront Buyers a Piece of Prime Real Estate
September 13, 2011
Brandy Pond in Naples, Maine, Offers Lakefront Buyers a Piece of Prime Real Estate

Brandy Pond in Naples, Maine, Offers Lakefront Buyers a Piece of Prime Real Estate

Brandy Pond in Naples, Maine Prime lakefront real estate can be found tucked between the pines on Brandy Pond. Located in Naples, Maine, Brandy Pond is the middle of three interlocking lakes that cover more than 35,000 acres and has long been the link between Long […]
September 8, 2011
Ten Hot Fishing Spots Await Lakefront Buyers in the Belgrade, Winthrop and Sebago Lakes Regions of Maine

Ten Hot Fishing Spots Await Lakefront Buyers in the Belgrade, Winthrop and Sebago Lakes Regions of Maine

Sunset reflection on Lake Annabessacook in Wayne Thriving populations of fish are right at your lakefront doorstep in the Belgrade, Winthrop and Sebago Lakes Regions of Maine. The clear lakes and ponds provide quality fisheries. Landlocked Salmon and Lake Trout are present in many. Also, one […]
September 8, 2011
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine  Sept. 8-14

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 8-14

Hacker’s Hill, Quaker Ridge, Casco Sept. 8, Thursday, 8:00pm, 6:00pm doors open, Mike and Ruthy, this duo plays enchanting Americana music ranging from beautifully harmonized original compositions to surprising selections from contemporary and traditional American folk, $20, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield.  […]
August 31, 2011
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine  Sept. 1-7

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 1-7

           “Frost Mountain Farm Gallery,” Norway  Sept. 1, Thursday, 12-4pm, “Folk Art on High” 19th century weathervane exhibit featuring historic New England weathervanes, primarily copper molded animal forms from Massachusetts, $8/adults, $7/seniors, Rufus Porter Museum, 67 North High Street, Bridgton.  FI:  207-647-2828, […]
August 27, 2011
The Glorious Ruins of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine

The Glorious Ruins of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine

Songo Lock in Naples,  the only working lock that remains of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal Throughout the Lakes Regions of Maine reflections of the past are evident, including remnants of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal. Lakefront Properties For Sale on Sebago Lake View Vacation Rentals […]
August 24, 2011
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine  Aug. 25-31

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 25-31

                                    “23rd Annual Bach Festival,” Fryeburg Aug. 25, Thursday, 7:30pm, Mango Groove, a steel-rimmed band, will perform music for dancing in the aisles, Calypso, Reggae, Motown and more, Lovell Brick […]
August 19, 2011
Camp Winona on Moose Pond Hosts Lakes Environmental Association’s Annual Meeting

Camp Winona on Moose Pond Hosts Lakes Environmental Association’s Annual Meeting

 Pleasant Mountain and the East Trails at Shawnee Peak Ski Area overlooking Moose Pond In the shadow of Pleasant Mountain, the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) held its 2011 annual meeting at Camp Winona on Moose Pond in Bridgton. Executive Director Peter Lowell opened the meeting by […]
August 17, 2011
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine  Aug. 18-24

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 18-24

           Norway Grange, Home of OHMPPA, Norway Aug. 18, Thursday, 10am-12pm, Back Pond Reserve, active two hour walk focusing on the natural history of the season, with special attention to late summer flowers, free, Back Pond Reserve, off 5 Kezars Ponds Road, North […]
August 11, 2011
Ten Waterfalls Among the Natural Wonders of the Lakes Regions of Maine

Ten Waterfalls Among the Natural Wonders of the Lakes Regions of Maine

Water flowing over Screw Auger Falls in western Maine While shopping for lakefront property, get acquainted with the hypnotizing natural phenomenon of waterfalls Mother Nature has graciously scattered throughout the Lakes Regions of Maine. All offer absolutely spectacular displays of beauty so be sure to bring […]