Sebago Lakes Region

September 10, 2015

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 10-16

“Herbal Workshop,” Windham Historical Society, Windham Sept. 10, Thursday, 8pm, “Rusted Root,” hailing from Pittsburgh, PA, Rusted Root is known for their unique fusion of acoustic, rock, bluegrass, world and other styles of music, with a strong percussion section that draws from African, Latin American, and […]
September 4, 2015
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Appreciate Songo River Success Story

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Appreciate Songo River Success Story

Lakes Environmental Association Nearly Eradicates Milfoil from the Songo River in Casco, Maine text and photos by Leigh Macmillen HayesThe year was 2004 and the Songo River that connects Sebago Lake to Brandy Pond and Long Lake was so infested with the aquatic invasive variable-leaf milfoil […]
September 3, 2015

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 3-9

“Classic Rock Theme Dance,” Songo River Queen II, Naples Sept. 5-7, Saturday – Monday, 11am-2pm, “Landscaping for Wildlife,” Skillins Greenhouse will set up a garden show type display featuring native shrubs and plants that are very beneficial to local wildlife, their plants that are hardy & […]
August 28, 2015

Comfortable Two Bedroom Lakefront Home for sale on Middle Range Pond, Poland, Maine

Cozy Bungalow Nestled Under Trees on Middle Range Pond, Poland, Maine Cozy and comfortable best describe this two bedroom lakefront home on Middle Range Pond in Poland. Located at 76 West Shore Drive, the house deserves your attention. View This Listing,br.76 West Shore DriveMiddle Range PondPoland, […]
August 18, 2015

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 20-26

“3rd Annual Village Folk Festival,” Depot Street, Bridgton Aug. 20, Thursday, 7pm, “Granite Presentation Walk,” have you ever wondered where the rocks for Maine’s miles of stone walls and granite house foundations come from? And how were they cut, extracted and moved to their present locations? […]
August 12, 2015

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 13-19

“Learn About Atlantic Salmon,” Maine Wildlife Park, Gray Aug. 14, Friday, 8pm, “The Ghost of Paul Revere,” this group mixes a little old timey folk music and bluegrass with dead-on three part harmonies and a wicked energetic performance. ‘Cause they’re from Maine ya know! Sometimes the […]
August 7, 2015

Create Magical Memories at Lakefront Bungalow For Sale on Sokokis Pond in Limerick, Maine

Beautiful Mainel Bungalow Features Southerly Orientation Built in 1950, this Maine bungalow should be on your short list. Located at 50 Emery Corner on Sokokis Pond in Limerick, it’s the place to make memories that last a lifetime. The two-floor house features seven rooms, including four […]
August 5, 2015

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 6-12

“Grand Sextets,” Deertrees Theatre, Harrison Aug. 7, Friday, 8pm, “Warren Hood Band and Louisiana’s The Revelers,” The Warren Hood Band features Austin guitar ace Willie Pipkin, and singer and pianist, Emily Gimble, and Warren Hood, talented artist, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and singer. The Revelers are composes of […]
July 31, 2015

Contemporary Lakefront Retreat For Sale on Long Lake, Harrison, Maine

Find Peace and Solitude at contemporary lakefront retreat on Long Lake, Harrison, Maine Priceless privacy can by yours at this lakefront retreat on Long Lake in Harrison, Maine. Located at 90 Bakers Acres Road, the contemporary house promises to be your getaway destination—whether you live here […]