York County Lakes Region

Out and About for the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine  April 14-20
April 13, 2011
Out and About for the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine  April 14-20

Out and About for the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine April 14-20

                                      “Oliver” presented by Sacopee Valley Music Department April 15, Friday, 5-7:00pm, “As Above, So Below:  One Woman’s Romance with Line, Language and Shadow,” an opening reception for artist […]
March 23, 2011
Out and About for the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine  March 24-30

Out and About for the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine March 24-30

“Landscaping at the Water’s Edge” Workshop  Mar. 25, Friday, 7:00pm,  “All Together Now Beatles Tribute Band,” a Beatles’ sound-alike band, celebrating Beatles music in an interactive way that gets everyone –whether they are 8 or 88 –singing, dancing, clapping and having a great time, $15, Nasson […]
March 16, 2011
Out and About for the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine  March 17-23

Out and About for the York County/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine March 17-23

Portland Symphony’s Brass Quintet at Dyer Library, Saco  Mar. 17, Thursday, 7:00pm, Elizabeth DeWolfe, author of “Domestic Broils,” speaks about her book, free, Sanford-Springvale Historical Museum, 505 Main Street, Sanford.  FMI:  207-324-2797, http://www.sanfordhistory.org/.   Mar. 18, Friday, 8:00pm, Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams, “hillbilly-Floyd,” […]