woody fungi

Woody Fungi: Nature’s Recycler Near Maine Lakefront Properties
December 28, 2014
Woody Fungi: Nature’s Recycler Near Maine Lakefront Properties

Woody Fungi: Nature’s Recycler Near Maine Lakefront Properties

Sky over Thompson Lake by Bonnie Jackson   by Leigh Macmillen HayesFungi (fun’-ji or fun’-gi) are the most dominant decomposers of our ecosystem in Maine. Without them, we would suffocate in a pile of dead and dying biological matter that wouldn’t decay–Think mountains upon mountains of […]
December 7, 2014
More Woody Fungi Found Near Maine Lakefront Properties

More Woody Fungi Found Near Maine Lakefront Properties

Look for Woody Fungi among the Trees Surrounding Ebeemee Lake in the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine by Leigh Macmillen HayesWhat’s fleshy, leathery and woody, and fruits profusely in the Lakes Regions of Maine? Woody fungi, of course.Along the shores of our lakefronts and on the […]
December 4, 2014
Woody Fungi Identification Entices Maine Lakefront Property Owners

Woody Fungi Identification Entices Maine Lakefront Property Owners

Locate Woody Fungi Along Wooded Lakefront Property in Shapleigh, Maine by Leigh Macmillen HayesWalk through the woods surrounding your lakefront property and your eyes may cue in to mushrooms growing on the soil, rocks and trees. Woody fungi are among my favorites because they’re easier to […]