
Joan Baez on Stage at Stone Mountain Arts Center in Sebago Lakes Region of Maine
October 25, 2010
Joan Baez on Stage at Stone Mountain Arts Center in Sebago Lakes Region of Maine

Joan Baez on Stage at Stone Mountain Arts Center in Sebago Lakes Region of Maine

Cabaret Seating at Stone Mountain Arts Center in Brownfield  At last the people of the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine can hear Joan Baez up close and personal when she takes to the stage at Stone Mountain Arts Center in Brownfield on Monday, November 1. Though regarded as […]
April 27, 2009
Sebago Lake State Park Welcomes Vacationers to Lakes Region

Sebago Lake State Park Welcomes Vacationers to Lakes Region

Sebago Lake State Park is a popular state park in Maine that is well-known for camping, boating, swimming, and recreation. Located in the town of Naples at the north end of mighty Sebago Lake, the state park was founded in 1938 as one of the five […]