“Sebago Lake”

Long Lake, a Crown Jewel of the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine, is a Boaters’ Paradise
November 20, 2009
Long Lake, a Crown Jewel of the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine, is a Boaters’ Paradise

Long Lake, a Crown Jewel of the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine, is a Boaters’ Paradise

Lots of open water makes Long Lake, in the Sebago Lake Watershed of western Maine, a boaters’ paradise Long Lake is the northern link in the chain of lakes that includes Brandy Pond and Sebago Lake and is bordered by three area towns: Naples, Bridgton, and Harrison. […]
November 18, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine November 19 to 25

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine November 19 to 25

Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center at Fryeburg Academy November 19, 6:30 p.m. “Getting My Night Vision,” author Nancy Pizzo Boucher will read from her book and share her experience with her son who suffers from a mental disorder, free, Walker Memorial Library, 80 Main Street, […]
October 14, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine October 15 to 21

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine October 15 to 21

AudioBody performs at Gould Academy in Bethel Saturday night October 15-18, 6-9 p.m. Haunted Schoolhouse, a good old fashioned haunted house, $12/adults, $10/students, not suitable for young children, a “safe room” with crafts and games is available for any youngster, Schoolhouse Arts Center, 16 Richville Road, […]
October 7, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine October 8 to 14

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine October 8 to 14

Wife carrying race at Sunday River Ski Area October 8-11, 9:00 a.m.-closing, 159th Annual Fryeburg Fair, Maine’s Blue Ribbon Classic continues with harness racing, midway, food booths, the world’s largest steer and oxen show, exhibits, energy row, Old McDonald’s petting farm, agriculture, museums, demonstrations, entertainment, contests […]
September 25, 2009
6th Annual Brewfest This Saturday at Point Sebago Resort on Sebago Lake in Casco, Maine

6th Annual Brewfest This Saturday at Point Sebago Resort on Sebago Lake in Casco, Maine

Point Sebago Resort on Sebago Lake in Casco, Maine will once again be the host for the 6th annual Lake Region Brewer’s Festival this Saturday, September 26th from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Do you like the idea of sampling dozens of finely-brewed beers, enjoying plenty […]
July 24, 2009
The Sebago Lake Region Offers Plenty of Fine Fishing for the Summer Vacationer

The Sebago Lake Region Offers Plenty of Fine Fishing for the Summer Vacationer

If it’s fish you seek, like the lake trout above, the Sebago Lakes Region will get you hooked. Sebago Lake is the original home of the Land-locked Salmon. Lake Trout and Bass are also plentiful. Boat launches: Nasons Beach, Route 114; Raymond Beach, Route 302 Trickey […]
June 30, 2009
“Eat Local” is Mantra at St. Joseph’s College on Sebago Lake in Standish

“Eat Local” is Mantra at St. Joseph’s College on Sebago Lake in Standish

Located 18 miles northwest of Portland and two hours from Boston is the small liberal arts school called St. Joseph’s College of Maine. St. Joe’s, as we Mainers fondly refer to it, is situated on 350 acres with magnificent lakefrontage on beautiful Sebago Lake in Standish. […]
May 25, 2009
Sebago Lake – When Only a Big Maine Lake Will Do

Sebago Lake – When Only a Big Maine Lake Will Do

Big Sebago Lake Offers Endless Possibilities for Lakefront Property Owners If you are spending a little vacation time in Maine and are fortunate enough to spend it at a camp or cottage on Sebago Lake, you know what I mean when I say that for some […]
May 20, 2009
Solving Septic System and Wastewater Issues For Maine Lakefront Buyers

Solving Septic System and Wastewater Issues For Maine Lakefront Buyers

We had a buyer recently who put in an offer on a nice vacation camp on Sebago Lake that sits about 25 feet from the water. When going through the inspections, this buyer was dismayed to find that the septic inspector had characterized the septic system […]