“Sebago Lake”

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Sandy Beach Tops the List
June 12, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Sandy Beach Tops the List

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Sandy Beach Tops the List

Of all the attributes of a lakefront property, having a sandy beach tops the list. I remember growing up in Harrison and learning to swim at the public beach at Crystal Lake. This was long before the ballpark and picnic area was put it. There was […]
June 3, 2008
For Maine Lakefront Real Estate Buyers, Time + Gas = Real $$$

For Maine Lakefront Real Estate Buyers, Time + Gas = Real $$$

With gas now at $4 a gallon for regular the last thing you want to be doing, if you’re a buyer of Maine lakefront property, is driving all over hill and dale with a fistfull of listing addresses and your eyes glued to a GPS screen. […]
April 21, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Finding It Your Way, Phase Two

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Finding It Your Way, Phase Two

A couple of weeks ago we announced several upgrades to the search capabilities found on our website. Today we bring another fantastic feature. Starting today, when you do a search for properties on our website, www.mrlakefront.net, once you get the search results, you will see a […]
February 28, 2008
Maine Waterfront Real Estate – A Good Neighbor Policy

Maine Waterfront Real Estate – A Good Neighbor Policy

Shortly after moving into my camp on Brandy Pond back in the nineties, I was paid a visit by some folks from across the lake. After exchanging pleasantries I found out the real reason for their visit. It seems that I had been leaving an exterior […]
February 21, 2008
The Greater Sebago Lakes Region – Home of Maine’s Premier Waterfront Real Estate

The Greater Sebago Lakes Region – Home of Maine’s Premier Waterfront Real Estate

Stretching from the Maine Turnpike in the east to the New Hampshire border in the west and from the Standish/Cornish area in the south to the Sunday River/Bethel area in the north, the Greater Sebago Lakes Region offers a complete package to vacationers and relocators alike […]
February 8, 2008

Lake Region Businesses Fear Impact of Proposed Naples Bridge

A recent hearing conducted by the Maine Department of Transportation on the viability of a new, fixed bridge proposal struck fear in the hearts of several business people in the Naples area. The old swing bridge that spans the waterway that joins Long Lake to Brandy Pond needs […]
February 4, 2008
Maine Waterfront Real Estate – The Evolution from Camps to All-Season Vacation Homes

Maine Waterfront Real Estate – The Evolution from Camps to All-Season Vacation Homes

From the 1900s to the late 1960s Maine lakefront property owners from away chose to build camps rather than year round homes. Camps are seasonal structures constructed to be used in the “good ” weather from Memorial Day to Labor Day. What differentiates a camp from […]
February 1, 2008

Maine Waterfront Real Estate – Still a Good Buy?

From 1998 to 2005 Maine waterfront real estate, including lakefront property, appreciated at a rate of 10 to 15% per year. Since Autumn 2005 property values have stopped climbing. In fact, in some cases, they may have fallen a bit. However, the bottom has not fallen […]