“Sebago Lake”

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Higher Prices in the Spring?
November 8, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Higher Prices in the Spring?

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Higher Prices in the Spring?

Lakefront prices are down right now but could they be higher in the Spring? No one has a crystal ball but if we look at history, some lakefront properties will cost more in the Spring. Recently, in response to a blog posting, Brad Johnson, a reader, […]
November 4, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Septic System Design and Construction

Maine Waterfront Property – Septic System Design and Construction

Here’s another installment on some basics about septic systems. How do I get a septic system designed and constructed? There are four steps to designing and building a septic system: 1. The system must be designed by a professional known as a Licensed Site Evaluator. Site […]
October 28, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Maintaining Your Septic System

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Maintaining Your Septic System

One of the primary responsibilities of a lakefront property owner is to be familiar with and properly maintain their septic system. Also, those planning to buy an existing home or build a new home need to familiarize themselves with the basics of a basic septic sewage disposal system. […]
October 16, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property Owners – Planting For Protection

Maine Waterfront Property Owners – Planting For Protection

This time of year is a good time for planting vegetation in open areas that run to the water. If you live on the water and have open areas, planting shrubs, trees and groundcover is an effective way to control phosphorus runoff and thereby contribute to […]
October 14, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Will It “Appraise Out”?

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Will It “Appraise Out”?

Just when you think it can’t get much tougher for lakefront property sellers, or better for lakefront property buyers, it does just that. For the last few years lakefront sellers have had to put up with weak demand and too much competition because of the large […]
October 7, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Bargain Hunters’ Bonanza

Maine Waterfront Property – Bargain Hunters’ Bonanza

The first snow fell atop Mount Washington on October 3rd (see above). The leaves are reaching peak color. The Fryeburg Fair is over. The frost is on the pumpkin. The election is four weeks from today. Do you get my drift here? Summer is long gone […]
September 12, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Come to the Brewfest!

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Come to the Brewfest!

If you’re looking for a really great way to hang out at a beautiful Maine lakefront venue while sampling the tasty offerings of over 25 area microbrewers, mark September 27th on your calendar. It’s the 5th annual 2008 Brew Festival at Point Sebago in Casco sponsored by the […]
August 22, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – A Lesson in Timing the Market

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – A Lesson in Timing the Market

At the height of the seller’s market in the summer of 2004, I met with a seller, a resident of Florida, who owned a great family compound on one of the largest lakes here in Maine with three separate camps on over five acres. I recommended […]
August 19, 2008
Sebago Lake Region Waterfront Property – “Buy” the Numbers?

Sebago Lake Region Waterfront Property – “Buy” the Numbers?

Hardly a day goes by that I don’t get the question from some prospective lakefront property buyer, “How’s the market?” Well, of course, the answer is, “That depends.” It depends on whether you’re a buyer or a seller, for one, and, for another, it depends on […]