Road Association

Maine’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts Partner with Locals to Solve Water Pollution Issues
November 28, 2014
Maine’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts Partner with Locals to Solve Water Pollution Issues

Maine’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts Partner with Locals to Solve Water Pollution Issues

Stillness of Autumn Day Reflected on Phillips Lake, Dedham, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes“‘The Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself’ was the warning issued in 1937 by President Roosevelt when he signed legislation authorizing the creation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts.” This is the […]
August 17, 2014
Maine Lake Water Quality Testing Points to Fixes to Limit Phosphorus Increase

Maine Lake Water Quality Testing Points to Fixes to Limit Phosphorus Increase

An Intern for Lakes Environmental Association in Bridgton tests water for Gloeotrichia by Leigh Macmillen HayesLast year the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) hired a researcher to test fifteen lakes in the Sebago Lakes Region of western Maine for Gloeotrichia, “Gloeo” for short, a species of blue-green […]
June 6, 2013
Road Associations Important to Maine Lakefront Property Owners

Road Associations Important to Maine Lakefront Property Owners

A Favorite Reading Spot at the Lake When marketing your lakefront home, it’s important that you belong to a road association. Prior to the credit crisis of September 2008, a private road association, or lack thereof, was of little concern to lenders. But the reforms ushered […]