Pemaquid Point

September 11, 2014

Pemaquid Watershed Association Protects Lakefront Properties in Midcoast Maine

photo credit: Karen Berg Pemaquid Pond Flowing Into Biscay Pond in the Midcoast Region of Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Stretching from Nobleboro to Bremen, Maine, lakefront property owners delight in the fact that Pemaquid Lake (aka Pemaquid Pond) encompasses 1,537 acres. It’s about seven miles […]
January 17, 2013
Duckpuddle Pond, Nobleboro & Waldoboro, Maine: Remote Lakefront Property in Mid-Coast Maine

Duckpuddle Pond, Nobleboro & Waldoboro, Maine: Remote Lakefront Property in Mid-Coast Maine

Invigorating Water Awaits in Mid-Coast Maine Duckpuddle Pond in Nobleboro and Waldoboro, Maine provides a remote setting close to all that  Mid-Coast Maine has to offer along the Route 1 corridor. Lakefront property owners enjoy exploring among the pickerel weeds and cattails inhabited by the wildlife […]