Milfoil Summit

Rep. Mike McClellan Addresses “Milfoil Sticker Bill” at 15th Annual Milfoil Summit
March 2, 2014
Rep. Mike McClellan Addresses “Milfoil Sticker Bill” at 15th Annual Milfoil Summit

Rep. Mike McClellan Addresses “Milfoil Sticker Bill” at 15th Annual Milfoil Summit

Azure Sky and Water at Pleasant Lake in Casco, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes A large crowd of Maine lake association members and others interested in protecting our lakes, ponds and rivers from invasive aquatic plant species gathered on February 28 for the 15th Annual Milfoil […]
February 2, 2014
Maine Milfoil Summit Will Draw Lakefront Property Owners to UMaine Lewiston-Auburn

Maine Milfoil Summit Will Draw Lakefront Property Owners to UMaine Lewiston-Auburn

A Picture Perfect Summer Day on Messalonskee Lake in the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Calling all Maine lakefront property owners. It’s time to register for the Maine Milfoil Summit to be held at the University of Maine Lewiston-Auburn campus on Friday, […]
March 2, 2012
Maine Milfoil Summit Examines Sustainability of Programs

Maine Milfoil Summit Examines Sustainability of Programs

Milfoil in the Songo River, Naples, Maine Sustainability was the theme of the 13th Annual Milfoil Summit held at the Lewiston/Auburn Campus of the University of Southern Maine. Peter Lowell, executive director of the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA), commented that it’s time to look at what […]