Maine waterfront property

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Keeping Up With “The Times”
November 29, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Keeping Up With “The Times”

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Keeping Up With “The Times”

While it seems sometimes that staying in touch with the Maine lakefront real estate market is all we do around here, I try to carve out time every Friday to look at a weekly feature section in the New York Times called “Escapes”. I always seem to find […]
November 22, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Naples Bridge Plans Have Low Cost, High Approval

Maine Waterfront Property – Naples Bridge Plans Have Low Cost, High Approval

e It seems that plans for finding a solution to repairing or replacing the aging swing bridge that spans the waters of Long Lake and Brandy Pond in Naples are alive and well. A report in this week’s Bridgton News tells of a repair plan that […]
November 18, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Getting Rid of Undesirables

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Getting Rid of Undesirables

Now that the leaves are off the trees and we’ve seen a few snowflakes dance in the air, lakefront property owners are probably thinking more about the upcoming holidays than they are their place on the lake. But the offseason is a great time for reflection […]
November 14, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Water Runoff Awareness

Maine Waterfront Property – Water Runoff Awareness

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection estimates that between 40% and 70% of rain and snow melt that falls on a Maine residential property runs off and finds its way to streams, rivers, and lakes. Because of their proximity to the water, lakefront property owners play […]
November 10, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – No Go On Casino

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – No Go On Casino

Last Tuesday the voters of Maine rejected a proposal to allow the building of a resort-casino in Oxford County, probably somewhere along Route 26 in Oxford. The measure lost by a 55% to 45% differential. Proponents of the proposal feel strongly that Mainers have  missed out on […]
November 8, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Higher Prices in the Spring?

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Higher Prices in the Spring?

Lakefront prices are down right now but could they be higher in the Spring? No one has a crystal ball but if we look at history, some lakefront properties will cost more in the Spring. Recently, in response to a blog posting, Brad Johnson, a reader, […]
November 4, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Septic System Design and Construction

Maine Waterfront Property – Septic System Design and Construction

Here’s another installment on some basics about septic systems. How do I get a septic system designed and constructed? There are four steps to designing and building a septic system: 1. The system must be designed by a professional known as a Licensed Site Evaluator. Site […]
October 28, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Maintaining Your Septic System

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Maintaining Your Septic System

One of the primary responsibilities of a lakefront property owner is to be familiar with and properly maintain their septic system. Also, those planning to buy an existing home or build a new home need to familiarize themselves with the basics of a basic septic sewage disposal system. […]
October 25, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate- “Are you mapping your search results?”

Maine Lakefront Real Estate- “Are you mapping your search results?”

The primary reason lakefront buyers come to the Mr Lakefront website, , is to look at lakefront real estate. That’s as it should be. The Lakefront Locator is designed to allow waterfront home buyers to narrow down your search to those properties that fit your criteria or meet your […]