Maine waterfront camp

Maine Waterfront Real Estate – The Evolution from Camps to All-Season Vacation Homes
February 4, 2008
Maine Waterfront Real Estate – The Evolution from Camps to All-Season Vacation Homes

Maine Waterfront Real Estate – The Evolution from Camps to All-Season Vacation Homes

From the 1900s to the late 1960s Maine lakefront property owners from away chose to build camps rather than year round homes. Camps are seasonal structures constructed to be used in the “good ” weather from Memorial Day to Labor Day. What differentiates a camp from […]
February 3, 2008
The Classic Maine Waterfront Camp – The Screened Porch

The Classic Maine Waterfront Camp – The Screened Porch

One of the most pleasant features of a classic Maine camp is the screened porch. Screen porches were a “must have” in the classic Maine camps built from the 1930’s to the early 70’s. In the old days a camp or seasonal home could be built […]
January 28, 2008

The Simple Pleasures – and Features – of the Classic Maine Lakefront Camp

Installment #2 The Death of the Pine Interior The era of pine interiors ended in the early 70’s. The Masonite Company developed a new miracle product called sheet paneling. The sheet paneling was only ¼” thick, light, and easy to install. The sheet paneling was not […]