Maine Milfoil Consortium

12th Annual Maine Milfoil Summit in Lewiston, Maine
April 21, 2011
12th Annual Maine Milfoil Summit in Lewiston, Maine

12th Annual Maine Milfoil Summit in Lewiston, Maine

Self-inspect your boat before launching “Of Maine’s 6,000 lakes and ponds, only 33 are infected with invasive aquatic plants,” Maine DEP Commissioner Darryl Brown informed the crowd gathered at the 2011 Milfoil Summit held on the grounds of the University of Southern Maine’s Lewiston-Auburn campus. Mr. […]
April 8, 2011
Saving Sebago Cove from the Green Monster

Saving Sebago Cove from the Green Monster

Calm waters on Sebago Lake Sebago Cove in Naples, Maine is a protected 200-acre cove at the northern tip of Sebago Lake. Several years ago Variable-Leaf Milfoil was discovered in this area known for its idyllic wooded lots and quiet cove with easy access to Sebago […]
March 7, 2010
Lake Arrowhead Residents Make Difference in Battle Against Milfoil

Lake Arrowhead Residents Make Difference in Battle Against Milfoil

Enjoying a Day On the Water, Lake Arrowhead In 2000 Variable-Leaf Milfoil (VLM) was discovered in Lake Arrowhead, located in Waterboro and Limerick. Lake Arrowhead covers approximately 1,100 acres in southern Maine and has an average depth of 6 feet–creating a perfect breeding ground for VLM. […]
February 26, 2010
11th Annual Maine Milfoil Summit in Lewiston, Maine

11th Annual Maine Milfoil Summit in Lewiston, Maine

Variable-leaf Milfoil in Songo River, Naples, Maine in 2006 This morning I had the pleasure of attending the 11th annual Maine Milfoil Summit held at the University of Southern Maine, Lewiston-Auburn. The summit was sponsored by the Congress of Lakes Associations, Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed, […]