Maine Lakes Society

The Maine Lakes Society Works For Our Benefit
May 8, 2015
The Maine Lakes Society Works For Our Benefit

The Maine Lakes Society Works For Our Benefit

Summer calls from Great Pond in Belgrade, Maine   by Leigh Macmillen HayesPeople, like the ever-energetic Maggie Shannon, executive director of the Maine Lakes Society, have made it their life’s work to protect the lakes and ponds we love.The mission of the Maine Lake’s Society is […]
February 27, 2015
Chandler Woodcock Keynote Speaker at Sixteenth Annual Maine Milfoil Summit

Chandler Woodcock Keynote Speaker at Sixteenth Annual Maine Milfoil Summit

Sky Blue Pink Reflection on Annabessacook Lake in Maine by Leigh Macmillen HayesThe 16th Annual Milfoil Summit hosted by Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) took place at the Lewiston/Auburn Campus of USM.Peter Lowell, executive director of LEA opened the summit with a review of its history, which […]
September 11, 2014

Pemaquid Watershed Association Protects Lakefront Properties in Midcoast Maine

photo credit: Karen Berg Pemaquid Pond Flowing Into Biscay Pond in the Midcoast Region of Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Stretching from Nobleboro to Bremen, Maine, lakefront property owners delight in the fact that Pemaquid Lake (aka Pemaquid Pond) encompasses 1,537 acres. It’s about seven miles […]