Maine lakefront real estate

Crystal Lake Will Float Your Boat in Harrison, Maine
May 8, 2009
Crystal Lake Will Float Your Boat in Harrison, Maine

Crystal Lake Will Float Your Boat in Harrison, Maine

Take Time to Float on Crystal Lake in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine When I was a boy I had a rowboat on Crystal Lake in Harrison. What a sense of independence it gave me to sit in that boat out on the water, oars […]
April 17, 2009
Here’s a System For Finding Your Maine Lakefront Property

Here’s a System For Finding Your Maine Lakefront Property

“We’ve been looking for our cabin on a Maine lake for years and can’t seem to find something we like”. If I’ve heard this once, I’ve heard it a hundred times. In most cases, their search lacked balance. What one needs is a system, or methodology, […]
March 24, 2009
Poland, Maine Abounds in Clear Views and Clean Lakes

Poland, Maine Abounds in Clear Views and Clean Lakes

The town of Poland sits quietly astride Route 26, about a half hour north of Portland and 10 minutes north of the Gray turnpike exit. The southeastern shore of the clean and clear Thompson Lake belongs to Poland, as well as the smaller Tripp Lake and the three […]
March 5, 2009
Lakefront Properties Attractive in Denmark, Maine

Lakefront Properties Attractive in Denmark, Maine

Denmark is a small, but attractive village located in the southwestern hills of Maine, close by the New Hampshire border. Over 1000 people call Denmark home, but the summer population swells considerably with the vacationers who come to visit the many clean ponds in Denmark and […]
February 16, 2009
Naples Vacation Property Some of the Best Lakefront in Maine

Naples Vacation Property Some of the Best Lakefront in Maine

Because it is situated at the south end of Long Lake, encompasses Brandy Pond, and also has frontage on Sebago Lake, Naples has always been considered the heart of the Lakes Region. Well-travelled Rte. 302 runs right through Naples and the town can boast of three marinas, restaurants, a general […]
February 8, 2009
Raymond Offers Wide Selection For Maine Lakefront Buyers

Raymond Offers Wide Selection For Maine Lakefront Buyers

Last week’s Saturday Send Out proved pretty popular – lakefront listings for Casco. Today, I’ll continue along that same vein and give you all the Raymond lakefront listings. Raymond is a popular destination for lakefront buyers because of its proximity to the Maine Turnpike (30 minutes) […]
February 5, 2009
Buying Lakefront Property in Maine is Like Ballroom Dancing

Buying Lakefront Property in Maine is Like Ballroom Dancing

Recently Mr Lakefront decided that it was high time that he learned to ballroom dance. If macho football players like Warren Sapp, Jason Taylor and Jerry Rice can risk making fools of themselves on Dancing with the Stars, surely I can give it a go too. […]
January 29, 2009
Maine Lakefront Homes – Protecting Yourself From Carbon Monoxide

Maine Lakefront Homes – Protecting Yourself From Carbon Monoxide

I’m taking a break today from writing about Maine lakefront real estate to pass along a “Heads Up!” from our State Department of Public Safety about carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and protecting yourself from it. It’s wintertime and homes are being heated by oil, gas, and wood, […]
January 27, 2009
Maine Lakefront Property – In Bridgton They’re Freezin’ for a Reason

Maine Lakefront Property – In Bridgton They’re Freezin’ for a Reason

This past weekend, Bridgton proved once again that this area has more to offer than lazy summer days in the shade, fall foliage, and loon calls.Up to 5,000 people – and dozens of dogs – showed up to watch and participate in this year’s version of […]