Maine lakefront real estate

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine August 13 to 19
August 12, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine August 13 to 19

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine August 13 to 19

Deertrees Theatre in Harrison August 14, 10 a.m. Natural Community Hike at Pleasant Mountain, an introduction to the Ironwood-Oak-Ash woodland communtiy, sponsored by Loon Echo Land Trust, meet at the Ledges Trail trailhead, Mountain Road, Denmark. FMI: 207.647.4352 or August 14, 1:30-5:30 p.m. Harrison Farmers’ […]
August 6, 2009
Out and About in the Belgrade Lakes Region, August 6 to 12

Out and About in the Belgrade Lakes Region, August 6 to 12

Maine Renaissance Faire, Manchester Fair Season Fair Season is upon us in the Belgrade Lakes Region. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always enjoyed the fair. Cotton candy, fried dough, grandstand entertainment, oxen pulls, Ferris wheels, 4-H exhibits, and more. What’s not to love? I […]
July 28, 2009
The Romance of the Covered Bridge Found at Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine

The Romance of the Covered Bridge Found at Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine

Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg is Maine’s Oldest Remaining Covered Bridge photo and text by Leigh Macmillen Hayes If you own lakefront property in the Sebago Lakes Region, then you are probably familiar with Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine, a covered bridge. Spanning the old course of […]
July 24, 2009
The Sebago Lake Region Offers Plenty of Fine Fishing for the Summer Vacationer

The Sebago Lake Region Offers Plenty of Fine Fishing for the Summer Vacationer

If it’s fish you seek, like the lake trout above, the Sebago Lakes Region will get you hooked. Sebago Lake is the original home of the Land-locked Salmon. Lake Trout and Bass are also plentiful. Boat launches: Nasons Beach, Route 114; Raymond Beach, Route 302 Trickey […]
July 16, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region July 16 to 22

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region July 16 to 22

The Lovell Brick Church July 16, 7:30 p.m., Al Berard Cajun Combo featuring Grammy nominated and CFMA Fiddler of the year award winner, Al Berard from Cecilla, Louisiana, along with Lisa Brande and Mark Trichka, $10, $5 for ages 12 and younger, Brick Church for the […]
July 12, 2009
Hiking Mt. Ti’rem and Hawk Mountain in Waterford, Maine

Hiking Mt. Ti’rem and Hawk Mountain in Waterford, Maine

If you enjoy the view of either Mt. Ti’rem or Hawk Mountain from your lakefront property, you might also enjoy the view of Keoka Lake, Bear Pond, Little Moose Pond and Long Lake from their summits. On a clear day, you can even see Sebago Lake […]
July 7, 2009
Pleasant Mountain – the Perfect Perch for Viewing the Hills and Lakes of Western Maine

Pleasant Mountain – the Perfect Perch for Viewing the Hills and Lakes of Western Maine

Maine lakefront real estate buyers are finding out what area hikers have known for a long time – you can see a lot of great lakefront real estate (and other nice vistas) from the higher reaches of Pleasant Mountain. At 2006 feet, Pleasant Mountain, the tallest […]
June 17, 2009
Blues Festival Returns to Naples, Maine on Long Lake This Weekend

Blues Festival Returns to Naples, Maine on Long Lake This Weekend

The 4th annual Maine Blues Festival returns to Naples, Maine on the shores of Long Lake and Brandy Pond this Friday night and Saturday providing young and old alike a chance to see over 40 bands and performers at a dozen different sites in this picturesque town in the […]
May 15, 2009
Great Camps, Great Vacations, Great Lakefront – It’s Great East Lake!

Great Camps, Great Vacations, Great Lakefront – It’s Great East Lake!

Just 96 miles from Boston, straddling the border between Maine and New Hampshire, lie the clean, clear waters of Great East Lake. Tucked away in the southwest corner of Maine in the town of Acton, Great East has been a magnet for vacationers, campers, and fishermen for […]