Maine lakefront real estate

Looking North for Maine Waterfront Real Estate – Moosehead
March 6, 2008
Looking North for Maine Waterfront Real Estate – Moosehead

Looking North for Maine Waterfront Real Estate – Moosehead

The Moosehead Region of Maine is dominated by the enormity of Moosehead Lake – the largest lake east of the Mississippi contained in one state. Moosehead Lake stretches 40 miles from south to north, is 20 miles wide, and has a surface area of over 75,000 […]
March 2, 2008
Mid-Coast Maine – The Best of Both Worlds For Maine Waterfront Real Estate Buyers

Mid-Coast Maine – The Best of Both Worlds For Maine Waterfront Real Estate Buyers

The Mid-Coast Region of Maine is known all over the world for windjammer cruises, lobster bakes, and lighthouses. What is less well-known about the area is that there are a number of beautiful lakes and ponds which give freshwater lovers great places to boat, fish, and […]
February 21, 2008
The Greater Sebago Lakes Region – Home of Maine’s Premier Waterfront Real Estate

The Greater Sebago Lakes Region – Home of Maine’s Premier Waterfront Real Estate

Stretching from the Maine Turnpike in the east to the New Hampshire border in the west and from the Standish/Cornish area in the south to the Sunday River/Bethel area in the north, the Greater Sebago Lakes Region offers a complete package to vacationers and relocators alike […]
February 1, 2008

Maine Waterfront Real Estate – Still a Good Buy?

From 1998 to 2005 Maine waterfront real estate, including lakefront property, appreciated at a rate of 10 to 15% per year. Since Autumn 2005 property values have stopped climbing. In fact, in some cases, they may have fallen a bit. However, the bottom has not fallen […]
January 29, 2008

The Simple Pleasures – and Features – of the Classic Maine Lakefront Camp

 Installment #3  A Sin of Giant Proportions Occasionally I will enter a Maine camp expecting to find the classic pine interior, only to find that the homeowner has painted the pine interior white. I just know that Sister Mary Norbertine would agree with me that this […]
January 28, 2008

The Simple Pleasures – and Features – of the Classic Maine Lakefront Camp

Installment #2 The Death of the Pine Interior The era of pine interiors ended in the early 70’s. The Masonite Company developed a new miracle product called sheet paneling. The sheet paneling was only ¼” thick, light, and easy to install. The sheet paneling was not […]
January 27, 2008
The Simple Pleasures – and Features – of the Classic Maine Lakefront Camp

The Simple Pleasures – and Features – of the Classic Maine Lakefront Camp

Installment#1: The Pine Interior I never tire of the feeling I get when I step into a classic Maine camp for the first time. The warmth of the natural pine interior seems to envelope me in a welcoming embrace. The classic Maine sporting camp features a […]