Maine lakefront real estate

Bridgton Attracts Maine Lakefront Real Estate Buyers
January 25, 2009
Bridgton Attracts Maine Lakefront Real Estate Buyers

Bridgton Attracts Maine Lakefront Real Estate Buyers

The town of Bridgton is one of the most popular destinations for buyers of lakefront property in the Sebago Lake Region. And why not? Bridgton has some of the most desireable lakes and ponds in the area, has a downtown that boasts a new movie theater, […]
January 20, 2009
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Thompson Lake Property

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Thompson Lake Property

Thompson Lake has some of the highest water quality around, has a deep, cold water fishery, one marina (for sale, see below), and a great location – just thirty minutes from the Gray turnpike exit. Thompson Lake is big and brawny, but also has an “old-timey” […]
January 19, 2009
Maine Waterfront Property – New Ways to Help Your Search

Maine Waterfront Property – New Ways to Help Your Search

Over the last couple of years we have been refining the search capabilities on our website to make it easier for potential buyers of Maine lakefront property to find what they’re looking for – even if they’re not sure exactly what it is they’re looking for. […]
January 16, 2009
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Mortgage Rates at Historic Lows

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Mortgage Rates at Historic Lows

This mortgage news came into my email box yesterday: CHICAGO (MarketWatch) — The benchmark 30-year mortgage fell below 5% for the first time ever in Freddie Mac’s weekly rate survey as economic weakness continued to push interest rates lower, the mortgage agency said Thursday. The article went […]
January 9, 2009
Maine Waterfront Property – Dropping Rates, Rising Opportunities

Maine Waterfront Property – Dropping Rates, Rising Opportunities

Falling mortgage rates provide a reason for hope in a pokey, off-season Maine lakefront property market. As activity levels decline, so will prices, while strong inventories continue to offer lots to look at. Given the low mortgage rates, this combination of factors sets up a good […]
January 2, 2009
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Getting the Word Out

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Getting the Word Out

 I got a call from my brother who asked me how the market is for lakefront property. I told him that selection was great, interest rates were at 5% heading even lower, prices had fallen 10 to 15% and sellers were motivated. He said, “Tom, that’s […]
December 30, 2008
Buying Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Two More Considerations

Buying Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Two More Considerations

In our last blog post, Tom spoke about some issues regarding purchasing a year round vs. seasonal  lakefront home. Here are a couple of more things to consider. Are you looking for a lakefront home or a lake access home? Nine out of ten people when posed […]
December 27, 2008
Maine Lakefront Property – Year Round or Seasonal?

Maine Lakefront Property – Year Round or Seasonal?

When it comes to buying lakefront property answering fundamental questions will greatly affect affordability. For instance: Are you looking for a summer place or a year round vacation home? Nine out of ten people when posed this question will answer ” year round vacation home”. However, […]
December 12, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Whistling Through the Graveyard?

Maine Waterfront Property – Whistling Through the Graveyard?

Everywhere we turn, it seems, the media dishes out the doom and gloom. The predominant feeling in most any market right now is fear. But there is some good news out there if you care to hear it. How about this? The rate for a 30 […]