Maine lakefront property

Nestled Between Panther Pond and Sebago Lake, It’s The Good Life Market in Raymond, Maine
August 31, 2009
Nestled Between Panther Pond and Sebago Lake, It’s The Good Life Market in Raymond, Maine

Nestled Between Panther Pond and Sebago Lake, It’s The Good Life Market in Raymond, Maine

Sebago Lake is Maine’s second largest lake, with water so pure that it provides drinking water to the Greater Portland area. Lakefront Properties For Sale on Sebago Lake View Vacation Rentals on Sebago Lake Before you head out on the lake, you should stop by the […]
August 26, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine, August 27 to September 2

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine, August 27 to September 2

Hole #1, Naples Golf and Country Club August 27-September 2, 10 a.m. -5 p.m., till 9 on Friday, Photographs by Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879), a rarely seen and privately owned album, plus 28 Polaroid portraits by Joyce Tenneson, various admission prices, Portland Museum of Art, 7 […]
August 24, 2009
Moose Pond in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine, Offers Views, Fishing, Recreation and Clean Water

Moose Pond in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine, Offers Views, Fishing, Recreation and Clean Water

Shawnee Peak Ski Area at Pleasant Mountain Overlook Moose Pond in Bridgton Depending on where you are, you’ll enjoy views of Pleasant Mountain and the Shawnee Peak Ski Area, Black Mountian, Mount Washington and the White Mountains from Moose Pond in Bridgton, Sweden and Denmark. Lakefront […]
August 18, 2009
Maine Boaters Know Norway Lake Marina on the Shores of Lake Penneseewassee

Maine Boaters Know Norway Lake Marina on the Shores of Lake Penneseewassee

Norway Lake Marina (doing business as Keller’s Place) sits on the shores of Lake Penneseewassee, whose common name is Norway Lake. Norway Lake is about five miles long and a half-mile wide with a maximum depth of 48 feet. The marina is easily accessible at 295 […]
August 11, 2009
Maine Lakefront Property Buyers Drawn to the Tranquility of Peabody Pond

Maine Lakefront Property Buyers Drawn to the Tranquility of Peabody Pond

Paddling on Peabody Pond, located half-way between Portland, Maine and North Conway, New Hampshire, is the perfect way to pass a summer day. This 735-acre pond has some cabins and cottages, plus Camp Micah, along its shoreline, but it is more secluded than most. Recently Peter […]
July 26, 2009
16th Annual Antique Wooden Boat Show at Long Lake in Naples, Maine

16th Annual Antique Wooden Boat Show at Long Lake in Naples, Maine

This week Sebago Lake, Brandy Pond and Long Lake in the western Maine Lakes Region will glisten with beautiful antique watercraft, including many woodies, as the Mountainview Woodies Classic Boat Club holds its 16th Annual Antique and Classic Boat Show on the Causeway in Naples on […]
July 23, 2009
This Week Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region

This Week Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region

July 23-25, Casco Days, sponsored by the Casco Fire Association; a full weekend of activities and events held at Casco Days Park in Casco Village. FMI: July 23, 2 & 4 p.m., Tomato Plant Girl, “a play about friendship and holding one’s own,” $8, reservations […]
July 16, 2009
Visit Moose Landing Marina on Brandy Pond in Naples, Maine

Visit Moose Landing Marina on Brandy Pond in Naples, Maine

Looking to rent a pontoon boat while you are searching for lakefront property in the Sebago Lakes Region? The folks at Moose Landing Marina enjoy serving the people and visitors of the Mountains and Lakes Region of western Maine. Conveniently located on Route 302 and Brandy […]
July 1, 2009
Brownfield has its Famous Bog, Burnt Meadow Pond, and the Saco River

Brownfield has its Famous Bog, Burnt Meadow Pond, and the Saco River

Gems come in many shapes and sizes as you’ll discover while searching for a lakefront property in the lakes region of western Maine. Burnt Meadow Pond, the Saco River and Brownfield Bog are gems in Brownfield, Maine. Though located only a few miles south of Fryeburg […]