Maine lakefront home

Lakefront Property Owners Use Rain Barrels To Help Prevent Poor Water Quality
August 7, 2014
Lakefront Property Owners Use Rain Barrels To Help Prevent Poor Water Quality

Lakefront Property Owners Use Rain Barrels To Help Prevent Poor Water Quality

Rain Barrel Placed Atop Bricks and Under Waterspout by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Lakefront property owners in Maine should take advantage of the traditional practice of collecting rainwater in rain barrels. Many of our classic Maine camps, cabins and cottages are not on municipal water lines. But […]
June 5, 2009
L.C. Andrew and the Classic Maine Vacation Camp and Cottage

L.C. Andrew and the Classic Maine Vacation Camp and Cottage

When thoughts of “a vacation camp in Maine” come to mind, the vision conjured up is often one that is typified by Maine’s own L.C. Andrew cedar log home. Since the 1920s, L.C. Andrew has provided the quintessential example of Maine lakefront, cedar-sided cabin and cottage […]