Maine lake living

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Mortgage Rates at Historic Lows
January 16, 2009
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Mortgage Rates at Historic Lows

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Mortgage Rates at Historic Lows

This mortgage news came into my email box yesterday: CHICAGO (MarketWatch) — The benchmark 30-year mortgage fell below 5% for the first time ever in Freddie Mac’s weekly rate survey as economic weakness continued to push interest rates lower, the mortgage agency said Thursday. The article went […]
December 7, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Making the Best of a Tough Market

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Making the Best of a Tough Market

If your a potential buyer of lakefront property or an owner who may be comtemplating a possible sale, it’s tough to know quite what to do in this market. If you bought in the last five years or so and are needing to sell, for whatever reason, you may well […]
February 11, 2008
Choosing the “Right” Maine Lake and Waterfront Property

Choosing the “Right” Maine Lake and Waterfront Property

I poured a local beer for a visitor from Germany and was eager to know what he thought of our local brew. He said, ” Tom, I’ve never met a beer I didn’t like. Only some better than others.” That’s my sentiment when it comes to […]