Maine lake associations

Rep. Mike McClellan Addresses “Milfoil Sticker Bill” at 15th Annual Milfoil Summit
March 2, 2014
Rep. Mike McClellan Addresses “Milfoil Sticker Bill” at 15th Annual Milfoil Summit

Rep. Mike McClellan Addresses “Milfoil Sticker Bill” at 15th Annual Milfoil Summit

Azure Sky and Water at Pleasant Lake in Casco, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes A large crowd of Maine lake association members and others interested in protecting our lakes, ponds and rivers from invasive aquatic plant species gathered on February 28 for the 15th Annual Milfoil […]
February 24, 2008
Association Concerns When Buying a Maine Waterfront Home

Association Concerns When Buying a Maine Waterfront Home

You might be surprised to learn that most lakefront property here in Maine is purchased by folks “from away”. From away usually refers to folks from Massachusetts, Connecticut or some other state here in the Northeast. The attitude these folks have about associations has always been […]