Long Lake

The Sebago Lake Region Offers Plenty of Fine Fishing for the Summer Vacationer
July 24, 2009
The Sebago Lake Region Offers Plenty of Fine Fishing for the Summer Vacationer

The Sebago Lake Region Offers Plenty of Fine Fishing for the Summer Vacationer

If it’s fish you seek, like the lake trout above, the Sebago Lakes Region will get you hooked. Sebago Lake is the original home of the Land-locked Salmon. Lake Trout and Bass are also plentiful. Boat launches: Nasons Beach, Route 114; Raymond Beach, Route 302 Trickey […]
May 3, 2009
Brandy Pond in Naples at the Center of Maine’s Lake Region

Brandy Pond in Naples at the Center of Maine’s Lake Region

Brandy Pond, once known as the Bay of Naples, sits at the heart of the Sebago Lakes Region between the long and narrow Long Lake to the north and the mighty Sebago Lake to the south. Connected by the Naples swingbridge and causeway to Long Lake […]
April 17, 2009
Songo River Queen Takes Incognito Cruise on Long Lake in Naples

Songo River Queen Takes Incognito Cruise on Long Lake in Naples

I was driving over the causeway in Naples earlier this week and saw the strangest sight out on Long Lake. The ice had just gone out and there on the lake, probably a mile or two from the causeway, was this big black thing floating on the […]
January 10, 2009
Maine Lakefront Real Estate on Long Lake – An Embarrassment of Riches

Maine Lakefront Real Estate on Long Lake – An Embarrassment of Riches

While this general geographic area where we live and work is called the Sebago Lake Region (and rightly so), anyone familiar with this area knows there are several somewhat smaller lakes that are equally beautiful and desireable. The short list would include Kezar Lake, Long Lake, […]
December 30, 2008
Buying Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Two More Considerations

Buying Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Two More Considerations

In our last blog post, Tom spoke about some issues regarding purchasing a year round vs. seasonal  lakefront home. Here are a couple of more things to consider. Are you looking for a lakefront home or a lake access home? Nine out of ten people when posed […]
November 22, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Naples Bridge Plans Have Low Cost, High Approval

Maine Waterfront Property – Naples Bridge Plans Have Low Cost, High Approval

e It seems that plans for finding a solution to repairing or replacing the aging swing bridge that spans the waters of Long Lake and Brandy Pond in Naples are alive and well. A report in this week’s Bridgton News tells of a repair plan that […]
September 29, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Can You Handle The Truth?

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Can You Handle The Truth?

One of my favorite actors is Jack Nicholson. In ” A Few Good Men” he played a world weary Marine colonel who was being interogated by pretty boy Tom Cruise in a military court martial. When Cruise told the colonel that he wanted the truth, Jack […]
August 19, 2008
Sebago Lake Region Waterfront Property – “Buy” the Numbers?

Sebago Lake Region Waterfront Property – “Buy” the Numbers?

Hardly a day goes by that I don’t get the question from some prospective lakefront property buyer, “How’s the market?” Well, of course, the answer is, “That depends.” It depends on whether you’re a buyer or a seller, for one, and, for another, it depends on […]
July 3, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Naples Bridge Saga Continues

Maine Waterfront Property – Naples Bridge Saga Continues

There’s more news on the continuing saga of the Naples swing bridge replacement controversey. Now, it seems, the state of Maine is rerady to go back to the drawing board to review all the input it has been receiving over the last couple of months and […]