Land Trust

Maine Land Trusts Benefit Lakefront Properties
April 3, 2015
Maine Land Trusts Benefit Lakefront Properties

Maine Land Trusts Benefit Lakefront Properties

Colorful Tapestry on Phillips Lake, Dedham, Maine by Leigh Macmillen HayesAs lakefront property owners, we want above average water quality and we want to be close to nature. That’s not too much to ask for, is it?Maine would be a different place without its lakes and […]
September 11, 2014

Pemaquid Watershed Association Protects Lakefront Properties in Midcoast Maine

photo credit: Karen Berg Pemaquid Pond Flowing Into Biscay Pond in the Midcoast Region of Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Stretching from Nobleboro to Bremen, Maine, lakefront property owners delight in the fact that Pemaquid Lake (aka Pemaquid Pond) encompasses 1,537 acres. It’s about seven miles […]
August 27, 2011
The Glorious Ruins of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine

The Glorious Ruins of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine

Songo Lock in Naples,  the only working lock that remains of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal Throughout the Lakes Regions of Maine reflections of the past are evident, including remnants of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal. Lakefront Properties For Sale on Sebago Lake View Vacation Rentals […]
January 26, 2011
Out and About for the Greater Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine, January 27 to February 2

Out and About for the Greater Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine, January 27 to February 2

“Spring Along the Kenduskeag River”  by David Haskins of the Bangor Art Society Jan 28, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. KinderKonzerts: The Nature of Woodwinds, discover the music of nature as the PSO Woodwind Quintet compares elements of music (tempo, rhythm and melody) with elements in […]
January 19, 2011
Out and About for the Greater Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine, January 20 to 26

Out and About for the Greater Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine, January 20 to 26

Henry Kramer, pianist, to play at Franco-American Heritage Center in Lewiston  Jan 20-22, 9 a.m.-dusk, Rangeley Snowmobile Snowdeo, displays, games, a radar run, children’s events, a parade and more, most events free, Moose Alley and Rangeley Lake, 2809 Main Street, Rangeley. FMI: 800.685.2537, Jan 21-23, […]