
Fifteen Ways to Become a Better Steward of Your Maine Lake
May 22, 2015
Fifteen Ways to Become a Better Steward of Your Maine Lake

Fifteen Ways to Become a Better Steward of Your Maine Lake

Cliffs Overlooking Lower Springy Pond in Otis, Maine   by Leigh Macmillen Hayes   Those of us who own Maine lakefront property appreciate the beauty before us. Unfortunately, unless we take steps to become better stewards, the lakes will degrade. By developing an understanding of how […]
May 8, 2015
The Maine Lakes Society Works For Our Benefit

The Maine Lakes Society Works For Our Benefit

Summer calls from Great Pond in Belgrade, Maine   by Leigh Macmillen HayesPeople, like the ever-energetic Maggie Shannon, executive director of the Maine Lakes Society, have made it their life’s work to protect the lakes and ponds we love.The mission of the Maine Lake’s Society is […]
October 23, 2014
Watershed Resources for Maine Lakefront Property Owners

Watershed Resources for Maine Lakefront Property Owners

Great East Lake in Acton is Maine’s Golden Pond Knowing where to turn for information is vital when it comes to protecting our lakefront properties in Maine. First, of course, should be your local lake or road association.   Lakefront Properties For Sale on Great East, […]
September 11, 2014

Pemaquid Watershed Association Protects Lakefront Properties in Midcoast Maine

photo credit: Karen Berg Pemaquid Pond Flowing Into Biscay Pond in the Midcoast Region of Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Stretching from Nobleboro to Bremen, Maine, lakefront property owners delight in the fact that Pemaquid Lake (aka Pemaquid Pond) encompasses 1,537 acres. It’s about seven miles […]
July 18, 2012
The Mid-Coast Region of Maine

The Mid-Coast Region of Maine

Megunticook Lake in the Mid-Coast Region of Maine The Mid-Coast Region of Maine is known all over the world for windjammer cruises, lobster bakes, and lighthouses. What is less well-known about the area is that there are a number of beautiful lakes and ponds, which give […]
July 13, 2012
The Sanford Lakes Region of Maine

The Sanford Lakes Region of Maine

Sunset at Mousam Lake in the Sanford Lakes Region of Maine The Sanford Lakes Region is in northwest York County, Maine’s southern most county. It is the lakes area that is closest to Boston in both mileage and minutes. This lakes area gets its name from […]
July 12, 2012
The Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine

The Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine

Ladies’ Delight Lighthouse on Lake Cobbosseecontee The Belgrade Lakes Region is one of Maine’s premier communities and four-season vacation and recreational destinations. The area offers peaceful lakeside surroundings, superb fishing, as well as swimming, boating and hiking. A variety of shops, restaurants, and lodging choices await […]
July 12, 2012
The Greater Sebago Lakes Region of Maine

The Greater Sebago Lakes Region of Maine

Sunrise over Sebago Lake Stretching from the Maine Turnpike in the east to the New Hampshire border in the west and from the Standish/Cornish area in the south to the Sunday River/Bethel area in the north, the Greater Sebago Lakes Region offers a complete package to […]
September 29, 2011
Find Your Waterfront Getaway on Lake Anasagunticook in Canton and Hartford, Maine

Find Your Waterfront Getaway on Lake Anasagunticook in Canton and Hartford, Maine

Privately owned lighthouse on Lake Anasagunticook in Canton Your private waterfront getaway on Lake Anasagunticook in Canton and Hartford, Maine awaits! Come enjoy fishing, boating and swimming to your heart’s desire. Loons, kingfishers and great blue heron will greet you each day. Sunrises and sunsets include […]