Lakes Environmental Association

LEA’s GLEON buoy on Highland Lake
November 20, 2015
LEA’s GLEON buoy on Highland Lake

LEA’s GLEON buoy on Highland Lake

Calm Fall Day on Highland Lake, Bridgton, Maine   LEA’s GLEON buoy on Highland Lake  text and photos by Leigh Macmillen Hayes   Recently, I had the good fortune to join the Lakes Environmental Association crew as they pulled their GLEON buoy from Highland Lake.   […]
September 4, 2015
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Appreciate Songo River Success Story

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Appreciate Songo River Success Story

Lakes Environmental Association Nearly Eradicates Milfoil from the Songo River in Casco, Maine text and photos by Leigh Macmillen HayesThe year was 2004 and the Songo River that connects Sebago Lake to Brandy Pond and Long Lake was so infested with the aquatic invasive variable-leaf milfoil […]
June 12, 2015
Lakes Environmental Association Educates Students Through Hey You! Cruise on Long Lake in Naples

Lakes Environmental Association Educates Students Through Hey You! Cruise on Long Lake in Naples

Almost Summer on Long Lake, Naples, Maine by Leigh Macmillen HayesShouts of “Hey You!” echo across Long Lake in Naples each June as sixth grade students in the Sebago Lakes Region who have completed the Lakes Environmental Association’s Living Connections Program enjoy a cruise on the […]
April 17, 2015
Ponds Sing Spring Songs In Maine’s Lakes Regions

Ponds Sing Spring Songs In Maine’s Lakes Regions

Summer Serenity Spot on Highland Lake, Bridgton, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Maine lakefront property owners know that one of the signs of spring is the sound of wood frogs and spring peepers at nearby vernal pools. Certainly, you’ve listened to the “wruck” of a wood […]
March 20, 2015

LEA’s Maine Lake Science Center Taking Shape in Bridgton

Drawing by Erica Lowell Chute of the Maine Lake Science Center in Bridgton Lake Environmental Association’s (LEA) Executive Director, Peter Lowell, sent us the following update about the Maine Lake Science Center located off Willet Road and adjacent to Pondicherry Park in Bridgton. Lakefront Properties For […]
February 27, 2015
Chandler Woodcock Keynote Speaker at Sixteenth Annual Maine Milfoil Summit

Chandler Woodcock Keynote Speaker at Sixteenth Annual Maine Milfoil Summit

Sky Blue Pink Reflection on Annabessacook Lake in Maine by Leigh Macmillen HayesThe 16th Annual Milfoil Summit hosted by Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) took place at the Lewiston/Auburn Campus of USM.Peter Lowell, executive director of LEA opened the summit with a review of its history, which […]
December 14, 2014
Changes Could Drastically Weaken Maine’s Stormwater Law

Changes Could Drastically Weaken Maine’s Stormwater Law

Bird’s Eye View of Crescent Lake, Raymond, Maine Colin Holme, assistant director at Lakes Environmental Association in Bridgton, Maine shared this with us:The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) is currently proposing changes to the laws regulating stormwater from development projects. While modifications that would allow […]
October 23, 2014
Watershed Resources for Maine Lakefront Property Owners

Watershed Resources for Maine Lakefront Property Owners

Great East Lake in Acton is Maine’s Golden Pond Knowing where to turn for information is vital when it comes to protecting our lakefront properties in Maine. First, of course, should be your local lake or road association.   Lakefront Properties For Sale on Great East, […]
August 24, 2014
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Aquatic Invasive Plants with Blade shaped Leaves

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Aquatic Invasive Plants with Blade shaped Leaves

  Curly-leaf Pondweed Features Lasagna Noodle-Shaped Leaves   by Leigh Macmillen HayesIn the final blog of our  series on aquatic invasive plants that Maine lakefront property owners should be on the look out for, are four with blade or strap-shaped leaves. Not all of Maine’s 6,000+ […]