“lakefront real estate”

Cheer Up Maine Waterfront Property Buyers! Spring Is Coming!
March 4, 2008
Cheer Up Maine Waterfront Property Buyers! Spring Is Coming!

Cheer Up Maine Waterfront Property Buyers! Spring Is Coming!

This time of year can be hard on a Maine waterfront real estate buyer. There’s a blanket of snow covering that sandy beach, there are no loons laughing and calling, and summer seems a long way off. What’s a buyer to do? Well, this is no […]
February 18, 2008
Maine Lakes Close to Boston? Try the Sanford Lakes Area

Maine Lakes Close to Boston? Try the Sanford Lakes Area

The Sanford Lakes Area is in northwest York County, Maine’s southern most county. It is the lakes area that is closest to Boston in both mileage and minutes. This lakes area gets its name from the Town of Sanford which is the regional shopping area for […]
February 1, 2008

Maine Waterfront Real Estate – Still a Good Buy?

From 1998 to 2005 Maine waterfront real estate, including lakefront property, appreciated at a rate of 10 to 15% per year. Since Autumn 2005 property values have stopped climbing. In fact, in some cases, they may have fallen a bit. However, the bottom has not fallen […]