lakefront buyers

Buying Lakefront Property in Maine is Like Ballroom Dancing
February 5, 2009
Buying Lakefront Property in Maine is Like Ballroom Dancing

Buying Lakefront Property in Maine is Like Ballroom Dancing

Recently Mr Lakefront decided that it was high time that he learned to ballroom dance. If macho football players like Warren Sapp, Jason Taylor and Jerry Rice can risk making fools of themselves on Dancing with the Stars, surely I can give it a go too. […]
April 8, 2008
For Maine Lakefront Real Estate Buyers, Spring Training Is Over

For Maine Lakefront Real Estate Buyers, Spring Training Is Over

While we wait for “ice out” to come to area lakes and ponds later this month, the snow is already melting around here at a rapid pace. Camp roads and shorelines are emerging and, much like our beloved Red Sox, lakefront property buyers should be moving out of […]