Invasive Plant Patrol

July 17, 2014

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Prevent Invasive Aquatic Plants With Eyes on the Water

Kezar Lake, Lovell, Maine — A Special Place by Leigh Macmillen Hayes “Milfoil ↑! Property Value$$$ ↓” So proclaims the sign for lakefront property owners to notice on the roads surrounding Moose Pond in Bridgton, Maine. Fortunately, there are no invasive aquatic plants in Moose Pond […]
March 3, 2013
14th Annual Maine Milfoil Summit Convenes in Lewiston

14th Annual Maine Milfoil Summit Convenes in Lewiston

Before and After You Float, Please Inspect Your Boat! ( Peter Lowell, executive director of the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) in Bridgton, Maine welcomed a record crowd to the 14th Annual Milfoil Summit on March 1, 2013 at the USM campus in Lewiston. The keynote speaker […]