
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Aquatic Invasive Plants with Blade shaped Leaves
August 24, 2014
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Aquatic Invasive Plants with Blade shaped Leaves

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Aquatic Invasive Plants with Blade shaped Leaves

  Curly-leaf Pondweed Features Lasagna Noodle-Shaped Leaves   by Leigh Macmillen HayesIn the final blog of our  series on aquatic invasive plants that Maine lakefront property owners should be on the look out for, are four with blade or strap-shaped leaves. Not all of Maine’s 6,000+ […]
August 3, 2014

A Day in the Life of An Invasive Plant Patroller on a Maine Lake

Fragrant Water Lily, A Maine Native by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Volunteering as a plant patroller for your Maine lake or pond is a great way to learn how to protect your lake from those nasty invasive plants that destroy the recreational value of our properties. It’s […]
February 13, 2014
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Welcome Invasive Aquatic Plant Removal Programs

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Welcome Invasive Aquatic Plant Removal Programs

Evening Colors Reflect on Damariscotta Lake in Newcastle, Maine by Leigh Macmillen Hayes Maine lakefront property owners should be happy to note that in 2013, no new invasive aquatic plant infestations were reported. Jacolyn Bailey, program director for the Maine Milfoil Initiative at Saint Joseph’s College, […]
October 25, 2009
The Fight Against Aquatic Invasives is Waged by Maine Lakefront Property Owners

The Fight Against Aquatic Invasives is Waged by Maine Lakefront Property Owners

Hydrilla, a newer invasive recently found in Maine waters Aquatic invasive plant species are posing challenges to both government land and water management officials and local lake associations.  Both groups are fighting hard to hold the line against invasive species such as Euasian milfoil and hydrilla. Invasive […]