Hancock Land Company

Hikes In and Around Sebago Lake, Maine
April 28, 2013
Hikes In and Around Sebago Lake, Maine

Hikes In and Around Sebago Lake, Maine

Nighttime falling on Sebago Lake, Maine Sebago Lake is Maine’s second largest lake and the third largest in New England. Its Native American name, “Sebago,” means “Great Stretch of Water.” This water stretches eight miles wide and twelve miles long. Covering 28,771 acres or 45.6 square […]
October 28, 2012
Hikes Near Lakefront Property in Casco, Maine

Hikes Near Lakefront Property in Casco, Maine

Autumn Color on Thompson Lake, Casco, Maine Need a break from shopping for lakefront property on Sebago, Thompson, Pleasant or Crescent Lakes in Casco, Maine? Whether you hike for exercise, recreation or to take in a scenic view, tucked among the rolling hills are five hiking […]