European Naiad

Square Pond Improvement Association in southern Maine spreads word, not invasive plant
October 16, 2015
Square Pond Improvement Association in southern Maine spreads word, not invasive plant

Square Pond Improvement Association in southern Maine spreads word, not invasive plant

A pleasant day on Square Pond in Acton and Shapleigh, Maine Square Pond Improvement Association in southern Maine spreads word, not invasive plantby Leigh Macmillen HayesWhen I asked Bill Kilgus, president of the Square Pond Improvement Association in Shapleigh and Acton, if I could use their […]
August 24, 2014
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Aquatic Invasive Plants with Blade shaped Leaves

Maine Lakefront Property Owners Recognize Aquatic Invasive Plants with Blade shaped Leaves

  Curly-leaf Pondweed Features Lasagna Noodle-Shaped Leaves   by Leigh Macmillen HayesIn the final blog of our  series on aquatic invasive plants that Maine lakefront property owners should be on the look out for, are four with blade or strap-shaped leaves. Not all of Maine’s 6,000+ […]