Boothbay Harbor

Out and About in the MidCoast Lakes Region of Maine, April 4-10, 2013
April 3, 2013
Out and About in the MidCoast Lakes Region of Maine, April 4-10, 2013

Out and About in the MidCoast Lakes Region of Maine, April 4-10, 2013

Sheepscot Valley Chorus to present Brahms’ Requiem April 5, Friday, 6:30-9pm, Open Mic, an all ages, all genres musical event on the big stage, free, The Opera House at Boothbay Harbor, 86 Townsend Avenue, Boothbay Harbor. FMI: 207.633.6855, April 5, Friday, 7pm, Slavic Soul Party, […]
January 17, 2013
Duckpuddle Pond, Nobleboro & Waldoboro, Maine: Remote Lakefront Property in Mid-Coast Maine

Duckpuddle Pond, Nobleboro & Waldoboro, Maine: Remote Lakefront Property in Mid-Coast Maine

Invigorating Water Awaits in Mid-Coast Maine Duckpuddle Pond in Nobleboro and Waldoboro, Maine provides a remote setting close to all that  Mid-Coast Maine has to offer along the Route 1 corridor. Lakefront property owners enjoy exploring among the pickerel weeds and cattails inhabited by the wildlife […]
December 2, 2012
Pattee Pond, Winslow, Maine: Lakefront Property Owners Find Fast Fishing Fun

Pattee Pond, Winslow, Maine: Lakefront Property Owners Find Fast Fishing Fun

Calm Waters on Pattee Pond in Winslow, Maine Pattee Pond in the Belgrade Lakes Region town of Winslow, Maine, plays host to cozy lakefront cottages, cabins and camps for weekend, month or season-length getaways. Lakefront Properties For Sale on Pattee Pond Named for Ezekiel Pattee, a […]
July 18, 2012
The Mid-Coast Region of Maine

The Mid-Coast Region of Maine

Megunticook Lake in the Mid-Coast Region of Maine The Mid-Coast Region of Maine is known all over the world for windjammer cruises, lobster bakes, and lighthouses. What is less well-known about the area is that there are a number of beautiful lakes and ponds, which give […]
April 15, 2012
Long Pond, Somerville & Windsor, Maine: Share BBQ or Boiled Lobster at Your Lakefront Home

Long Pond, Somerville & Windsor, Maine: Share BBQ or Boiled Lobster at Your Lakefront Home

The Inviting Crystal Clear Water of Long Pond in Somerville, Maine Long Pond in Somerville and Windsor, Maine, was once known as Patricktown Pond. Located an hour and a quarter from Portland and three hours from Boston, the crystal clear waters invite you to sip your […]
March 1, 2012
McCurdy Pond, Bremen, Maine: A Slice of New England-style Americana

McCurdy Pond, Bremen, Maine: A Slice of New England-style Americana

McCurdy Pond, Bremen, Maine,  is meant for lazy afternoon explorations McCurdy Pond in Bremen, Maine, is waiting to become your magical place to vacation. Own waterfront property here and let your worries float away. The pond is located just over three hours from Boston and only […]