Babbs Bridge

Sebago Lake Region, Windham, Maine: Lakefront Property Highly Valued
December 11, 2011
Sebago Lake Region, Windham, Maine: Lakefront Property Highly Valued

Sebago Lake Region, Windham, Maine: Lakefront Property Highly Valued

Moored Boats on Sebago Lake, Windham, Maine Just a few miles from Portland, Maine, lakefront property in Windham is highly valued for its pristine waters and sense of wilderness, yet close proximity to entertainment, dining and other activities. Windham was settled by farmers in the 1700s. The […]
July 28, 2009
The Romance of the Covered Bridge Found at Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine

The Romance of the Covered Bridge Found at Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine

Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg is Maine’s Oldest Remaining Covered Bridge photo and text by Leigh Macmillen Hayes If you own lakefront property in the Sebago Lakes Region, then you are probably familiar with Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine, a covered bridge. Spanning the old course of […]