
January 28, 2008

The Simple Pleasures – and Features – of the Classic Maine Lakefront Camp

Installment #2 The Death of the Pine Interior The era of pine interiors ended in the early 70’s. The Masonite Company developed a new miracle product called sheet paneling. The sheet paneling was only ¼” thick, light, and easy to install. The sheet paneling was not […]
January 27, 2008
The Simple Pleasures – and Features – of the Classic Maine Lakefront Camp

The Simple Pleasures – and Features – of the Classic Maine Lakefront Camp

Installment#1: The Pine Interior I never tire of the feeling I get when I step into a classic Maine camp for the first time. The warmth of the natural pine interior seems to envelope me in a welcoming embrace. The classic Maine sporting camp features a […]
December 31, 2007

It’s Winter in Maine! Lakefront Property Inaccessible? How about a View Lot?

January in Maine means cold and snow most anytime. These conditions generally curtail a lot of activity in the Maine lakefront property area, but afford opportunities for looking at other properties in ways not always taken advantage of. Many of our clients are looking for land on which […]
December 31, 2007
5 Top Attributes of a Maine lakefront property

5 Top Attributes of a Maine lakefront property

It’s important for a buyer of Maine lakefront property to understand what gives a lakefront lot its value. Everyone’s heard of location, location, location, but what is it about location that gives a lakefront property its value? Maine lakefront properties are made up of two parts: […]
December 17, 2007

Buyers and sellers in the Maine lakefront homes market are living in the shadow of the subprime mortgage fallout.

Inventories on the rise – Where are the buyers? Like it or not, whether you are buying real estate or selling lakefront real estate, this subprime mess is affecting us all. Inventories are rising, prices are falling, lenders are tightening, and everyday seems to bring another […]
December 5, 2007

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