
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Keeping Up With “The Times”
November 29, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Keeping Up With “The Times”

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Keeping Up With “The Times”

While it seems sometimes that staying in touch with the Maine lakefront real estate market is all we do around here, I try to carve out time every Friday to look at a weekly feature section in the New York Times called “Escapes”. I always seem to find […]
November 22, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Naples Bridge Plans Have Low Cost, High Approval

Maine Waterfront Property – Naples Bridge Plans Have Low Cost, High Approval

e It seems that plans for finding a solution to repairing or replacing the aging swing bridge that spans the waters of Long Lake and Brandy Pond in Naples are alive and well. A report in this week’s Bridgton News tells of a repair plan that […]
November 18, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Getting Rid of Undesirables

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Getting Rid of Undesirables

Now that the leaves are off the trees and we’ve seen a few snowflakes dance in the air, lakefront property owners are probably thinking more about the upcoming holidays than they are their place on the lake. But the offseason is a great time for reflection […]
November 14, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Water Runoff Awareness

Maine Waterfront Property – Water Runoff Awareness

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection estimates that between 40% and 70% of rain and snow melt that falls on a Maine residential property runs off and finds its way to streams, rivers, and lakes. Because of their proximity to the water, lakefront property owners play […]
November 10, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – No Go On Casino

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – No Go On Casino

Last Tuesday the voters of Maine rejected a proposal to allow the building of a resort-casino in Oxford County, probably somewhere along Route 26 in Oxford. The measure lost by a 55% to 45% differential. Proponents of the proposal feel strongly that Mainers have  missed out on […]
November 8, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Higher Prices in the Spring?

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Higher Prices in the Spring?

Lakefront prices are down right now but could they be higher in the Spring? No one has a crystal ball but if we look at history, some lakefront properties will cost more in the Spring. Recently, in response to a blog posting, Brad Johnson, a reader, […]
November 4, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Septic System Design and Construction

Maine Waterfront Property – Septic System Design and Construction

Here’s another installment on some basics about septic systems. How do I get a septic system designed and constructed? There are four steps to designing and building a septic system: 1. The system must be designed by a professional known as a Licensed Site Evaluator. Site […]
October 31, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Betting on a Casino?

Maine Waterfront Property – Betting on a Casino?

There’s an election next Tuesday and among the ballot items we get to vote on here in Maine is the following question: “Do you want to allow a certain Maine company to have the only casino in Maine, to be located in Oxford County, if part […]
October 28, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Maintaining Your Septic System

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Maintaining Your Septic System

One of the primary responsibilities of a lakefront property owner is to be familiar with and properly maintain their septic system. Also, those planning to buy an existing home or build a new home need to familiarize themselves with the basics of a basic septic sewage disposal system. […]