
Maine’s Premier Vacation Destination: Point Sebago on Sebago Lake
July 20, 2009
Maine’s Premier Vacation Destination: Point Sebago on Sebago Lake

Maine’s Premier Vacation Destination: Point Sebago on Sebago Lake

Enjoy your next round of golf at Point Sebago Resort on Sebago Lake, southern Maine’s largest lake, located 2.5 hours from Boston. The 775-acre setting on this picturesque waterfront offers a 500-acre nationally acclaimed 18-hole golf course. The course was rated the #1 Golf Course in […]
July 17, 2009
Hiker’s Delight: Heald and Bradley Pond Reserve in Lovell, Maine

Hiker’s Delight: Heald and Bradley Pond Reserve in Lovell, Maine

Heald Pond Only a stone’s throw from Kezar Lake and encompassing a portion of Heald Pond shoreline is the 800 acre Heald and Bradley Pond Reserve in Lovell. This beautiful preserve offers pristine natural views and hiking trails and abuts some very desirable lakefront property, as […]
July 16, 2009
Visit Moose Landing Marina on Brandy Pond in Naples, Maine

Visit Moose Landing Marina on Brandy Pond in Naples, Maine

Looking to rent a pontoon boat while you are searching for lakefront property in the Sebago Lakes Region? The folks at Moose Landing Marina enjoy serving the people and visitors of the Mountains and Lakes Region of western Maine. Conveniently located on Route 302 and Brandy […]
July 16, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region July 16 to 22

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region July 16 to 22

The Lovell Brick Church July 16, 7:30 p.m., Al Berard Cajun Combo featuring Grammy nominated and CFMA Fiddler of the year award winner, Al Berard from Cecilla, Louisiana, along with Lisa Brande and Mark Trichka, $10, $5 for ages 12 and younger, Brick Church for the […]
July 13, 2009
Bridgton Highlands Country Club a Favorite of Highland Lake Lovers

Bridgton Highlands Country Club a Favorite of Highland Lake Lovers

Residents of Highland Lake in Bridgton know a good thing when they see it – and when it comes to golf they only need to look the short distance up to “the Highlands”. Need to slow down and enjoy some great golfing in northern New England? […]
July 12, 2009
Hiking Mt. Ti’rem and Hawk Mountain in Waterford, Maine

Hiking Mt. Ti’rem and Hawk Mountain in Waterford, Maine

If you enjoy the view of either Mt. Ti’rem or Hawk Mountain from your lakefront property, you might also enjoy the view of Keoka Lake, Bear Pond, Little Moose Pond and Long Lake from their summits. On a clear day, you can even see Sebago Lake […]
July 11, 2009
Maine Lakefront Property Buyers Find Value at Local Farmer’s Markets

Maine Lakefront Property Buyers Find Value at Local Farmer’s Markets

Before you begin your day on Sebago Lake, Panther Pond, Highland Lake or any one of the numerous lakes and ponds in the western Maine Mountains and Lakes Region you might want to visit one of the farmers’ markets sprinkled throughout the area. Farmers’ markets in […]
July 10, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region:  July 10-13

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region: July 10-13

July 8-11, Old Home Days, Harrison, Maine, FMI: July 9-11, Norway Summer Art Festival and Sidewalk Art Fest, Main Street, FMI: 207.739.6161 or July 9-26, Thursday, Friday and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 5 p.m. Oklahoma! Schoolhouse Theater and Arts Center, Route […]
July 9, 2009
Cruising on the Songo River Queen to the Songo Locks in Naples, Maine

Cruising on the Songo River Queen to the Songo Locks in Naples, Maine

For a leisurely way to view Long Lake and Brandy Pond lakefront properties, why not take a ride on the Songo River Queen II, which docks on the Causeway in Naples. Relive a bygone era and travel from Long Lake in Naples to the Songo River, […]